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Magic: the Gathering
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Legends of Runeterra
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Pedro Fernandes
Today, we'll talk about Blood Death Knight, one of the most popular and promising decks of the new e...
Deck Guide Death Knight Hearthstone
Daniel Cataia
In this article I bring a Top 10 of great illustrators that were notorious in almost 30 years of Mag...
top10 artists
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, I evaluate Commoner's best cards and their contributions to the format, examinin...
Fab Commoner Staples
A beginners' guide to The Brothers' War sealed format.
Limited Guide The Brothers' War
In this article, I will list the main existing Legends of Runeterra competitive tourneys and all the...
competitive tourneys worlds
Cynthia Proença
A review of how Dynasty has impacted each class and which archetypes it has established in the game.
Flesh and Blood Dynasty Review
Today, I bring three of the main decks to make the most out of Hearthstone's new expansion, March of...
Decks Hearthstone Standard
Roger Schola
Today, we'll take a look at a new Standard deck which have appeared upon The Brothers' War release, ...
The Brothers' War Standard Deck Guide
Tony Lucas
In this article I bring decks with the new champions that are coming to LoR: Aatrox, Kayle and Ryze!
competitive decks
Nat Almeida
So, which Magic: The Gathering plane has you written all over it? Answer our quiz and find out!
magic planes history quiz
This article will help you with TPoC: it is a very fun mode, but some decisions can affect your expe...
TPoc Tips Beginners Resources
How about a storm of dragons to terrorize your opponents on the table? In this article, we're going ...
Commander Deck Tech Dragons
Pacto das Guildas
Pioneer is a very fun and diverse format, and also stars in the competitive circuit that leads to Pr...
Pioneer Competitive Guide
Here we will explain what is two-factor authentication, how they work and the most top authenticator...
secure authenticator
Here we will present a list of the most popular games played in casinos
casino games popular
Here, in this article, we will not have discussion on the definition of it, but try to learn the str...
Strategies mtg magicthegathering
Here, let us have a look at some of the most valuable required information about Magic the Gathering...
sealed deck
Bust out the board games for a whole evening of fun