Facebook Pixel image Combo Воспламенение Чандры +Гейзер Маны +Вейран, Голос Двойственности +Ливаан, Культистка Тиамат + Magic: the Gathering MTG

MTG > Combos > Воспламенение Чандры +Гейзер Маны +Вейран, Голос Двойственности +Ливаан, Культистка Тиамат +

1) start with both permanents on the battlefield and with your commander on the battlefield. and with your opponents having five or more tapped lands. 2) cast

Mana Geyser

. this will trigger

Veyran, Voice of Duality


Livaan, Cultist of Tiamat

twice each. target your commander with

Livaan, Cultist of Tiamat

's ability both times. 3) use the mana from

Mana Geyser

to cast

Chandra's Ignition

. again target your commander both times. 4)

Chandra's Ignition

resolves and you've hit your opponent for lethal commander damage.Edit combo

Added by blobishly

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