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Explaining Legends of Runeterra's Archetypes

Explaining Legends of Runeterra's Archetypes


In this article, I'll explain in a simple way how Legends of Runeterra's archetypes works and help y...

archetypes lor aggro midrange control combo

Metagame: The Modern Super Qualifier & Sultai is back to Standard!

Metagame: The Modern Super Qualifier & Sultai is back to Standard!


In today's article, we analyze the results of the Modern Super Qualifier, see Sultai Ultimatum back ...

metagame modern standard pauper legacy

How do the Multi-region cards work in Legends of Runeterra

How do the Multi-region cards work in Legends of Runeterra

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the launch of multi-region cards, a lot of players have questions about which cards can be used...

BandleCity Multi-region LoR Expansion

Board games you should consider playing with family at home

Board games you should consider playing with family at home


Here is a list of ten board games that we recommend for people who want to enjoy quality time with t...


Budget Commander - Kalain, Reclusive Painter

Budget Commander - Kalain, Reclusive Painter

Eduardo Silveira

Rakdos' performances are dramatic, violent and disturbing. Kalain has a thrilling ending in this sac...

edh commander budget d&d

Exploring the Vesperlark Combo in Historic

Exploring the Vesperlark Combo in Historic


Historic Horizons will not only put Vesperlark in Historic, it will enable an infinite combo that wi...

historic combo horizons arena

Standard's new old Aggro Decks

Standard's new old Aggro Decks

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks about Standard's Gruul Adventures and Naya Winota, the two main decks of the form...

gruul naya standard aggro

Ask the Judge - Historic Horizons' Keywords!

Ask the Judge - Historic Horizons' Keywords!

Antonio Carlos

In this Article, we talk about the new exclusive keywords for Magic Arena's latest set: JumpStart - ...

rules judge arena historic digital

Pauper's new golden Quarter: an introduction to Qualifiers and Showcases!

Pauper's new golden Quarter: an introduction to Qualifiers and Showcases!


With huge events taking place between September and December, Pauper will have a great end of the ye...

analysis tournament competitive Pauper

Discovering the Types of Legends of Runeterra Tournaments

Discovering the Types of Legends of Runeterra Tournaments


In this article, I explain the Legends of Runeterra tournament formats and also present to you an am...

lor runeterra tournaments locks rules

Historic Set Review: JumpStart Historic Horizons

Historic Set Review: JumpStart Historic Horizons


Historic Horizons comes out on August 12th, exclusively for the Magic Arena. Today, we review the ca...

analysis historic arena

Magic Arena, Hearthstone or Runeterra, which one is better?

Magic Arena, Hearthstone or Runeterra, which one is better?


Looking for a new card game or thinking about moving to another one? In this article, Exylem analyze...

opinion analysis mtg runeterra hearthstone

Jeskai Control is over 40% of Challenger Gauntlet's metagame

Jeskai Control is over 40% of Challenger Gauntlet's metagame


The archetype was the deck selected by 41.7% of the Challenger Gauntlet players, a high-level tourna...

news historic standard arena

Budget cEDH Deck Guide: Niv-Mizzet, Parun

Budget cEDH Deck Guide: Niv-Mizzet, Parun

Felipe Torres

This article brings a budget decklist for Izzet's iconic Guildmaster, Niv-Mizzet, Parun, which is ex...

commander budget

Decklists for Standard 2022

Decklists for Standard 2022

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks a bit about Standard 2022 and some of its trending decklists.

standard2022 arena aggro control

Hasbro announces price increases on its third quarter products

Hasbro announces price increases on its third quarter products


The company announced, at its meeting with investors, a future increase in the price of its products...

news hasbro wizards

Metagame: Winota in Standard, Splashes in Modern and Planeswalkers in Legacy!

Metagame: Winota in Standard, Splashes in Modern and Planeswalkers in Legacy!


In this week's Metagame we see Winota's rise in Standard, defined archetypes resorting to splashes i...

analysis metagame standard modern legacy paup

Best casino themed board games to play right now

Best casino themed board games to play right now


We've prepared a list of 8 great casino themed board games you can enjoy alone or with friends

board casino

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