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Magic: the Gathering
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One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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João "Jam" Barros
Do you like controlling who attacks and when, even more so if it's with a Voltron strategy? Then, th...
deck tech Commander Budget
Pedro Fernandes
Dungar Druid, which is dominating the meta, is the newest version of the iconic Druid Ramp/Control! ...
dungar druid deck tech hearthstone standard
Antonio Carlos
In this article, let's analyze an innovative decklist from the Top 8 of Seattle's Challenge - an ada...
disney lorcana competitive deck guide
In today's article, let's analyze a powerful control deck in Lorcana, bringing together some of the ...
lorcana deck guide disney control items
On his blog, the lead designer of Magic: The Gathering shared a note about how the design process wo...
noticia Modern Banlist
What in the past was a very popular aggro combo deck turned into one of the most important control d...
Legacy deck tech cradle control
Cesar Cusin
It's the year 2400, and the Earth's World Government is hiring Mega Corporations to terraform Mars, ...
terraforming mars dice
Rodrigo William
Take a look at this deck by Azul Garcia Griego. He managed to get first place with this Snorlax list...
TCG Standard Stockholm:Snorlax
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll analyze one of the most iconic strategies in Flesh and Blood: fatigue. We'...
fatigue FaB control strategy
Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, we'll analyze another deck for Pauper, this time one of the best decks in this f...
Pauper DeckTech SideGuide
In today's article, we'll discuss the shiny new thing in Standard, Temur Lands Control - a deck that...
standard decktech sideguide
Draco was a forgotten, legendary creature from Planeshift. Its scions, however, boosted by Leyline o...
Legacy leyline draco beanstalk
Lightning Helix is available in Pioneer and Explorer due to its reprint in MKM. In today's article, ...
Explorer Arena MTGA DeckTech
In today's article, I'll discuss Azorius Control, a deck that has performed well in Standard, and is...
Standard DeckTech Control SideGuide
In today's article, we take a trip back to 2019 to remember and unravel the history of one of the mo...
Modern Hogaak Recap
Daniel Linhares
Here, we tell you what strategies you can implement to keep yourself financially secure when betting...
Keeping your kids safe online may seem like a daunting task in today’s digital world. The vast onlin...
Cards Realm
The article delves into the intricate world of betting psychology, uncovering how our inherent biase...
psychology getting emotion sports wagers