Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
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Tony Lucas
This article gathers all the information we have about this possible new exclusive LoR champion!
Leaks Theories Champions
Tabata Marques
Here, you can test your knowledge of famous Magic players and key in-game events!
Quiz Players Famous
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I present the top 5 decks for the December 2022 format. Check out how the lists wor...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Top 5
Gabriel Almeida
Today we'll talk a bit about the best mono-colored commanders, for those that do not want to worry a...
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Rodrigo William
Discover the deck of the 2022.2 Latin American International (LAIC) champion, Lugia VStar + Archeops...
Pokémon Lugia LAIC
Briar is one of Flesh and Blood's most famous heroes, and her theme as an Elemental Runeblade is fle...
Briar Blitz Deck Guide
Pedro Fernandes
Do you think you know everything about Overwatch? Come test out your knowledge about the game by tak...
quiz overwatch questions overwatch
Daniel Cataia
In this article, I'll present an incredibly fun Commander based on the bottom of your deck for casua...
Commander Grenzo Deck Tech
Follow here in this article my list of the 10 best films in the franchise, with synopsis and explana...
Pokémon Movies
Meet the Mewtwo & Mew Tag Team-GX deck with Silver Tempest's Unown-VStar that enhanced the archetype...
Mewtwo Expanded Deck tech
In this article I bring a Top 10 of great illustrators that were notorious in almost 30 years of Mag...
top10 artists
Legacy has a new contender! After devastating Pauper, Initiative has arrived in the format and is ta...
Legacy Initiative Deck Tech
Take this quiz and test your knowledge about Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG's rulings!
QUiz Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings
Explorer Anthology 2 arrives on December 13th, with 24 new cards for Magic Arena. But how much is it...
Review Explorer Magic Arena
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, I evaluate Commoner's best cards and their contributions to the format, examinin...
Fab Commoner Staples
Here we will list 5 discord gambling bot that will help your server make real cash from bets
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Are you looking for a fun way to keep yourself entertained? Look no further! Puzzle games are the pe...
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Here we will present a list of the most popular games played in casinos
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