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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Rodrigo William
We listed the top 10 best Feraligatr in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive scene an...
Johto Feraligatr TCG
Pacto das Guildas
Golgari Midrange is one of the best decks in Standard, and really stands out among other midrange de...
Standard DeckTech Competitive Sideguide
In today's article, I'll delve deep into Pauper's current metagame and go through how MTGO Creator S...
Pauper Competitive MH3
João "Jam" Barros
The Floowandereeze archetype follows the adventures of "Floo" and its bird friends as each card tell...
Budget Guide YGO Yu-Gi-Oh! Floowandereeze
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, I'll share my thoughts about the next Standard meta without Elder Dragon, which wil...
opinion lor standard
Check out the top 10 most beautiful cards in Twilight Masquerade! This set showcases many art styles...
PokémonTCG Twilight Masquerade Art
In today's article, we'll show you how to play Yarus, Roar of the Old Gods, in a deck that focuses o...
deck tech commander deck guide
Marcos Sobral
In today's article, we'll analyze the main cards from Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge, and how t...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Review Terminal Revenge YGO
In this article, check out all the new Pokémon releases for the rest of 2024 in the west; Get ready ...
TCG Spoilers news
In this article, check out Ogerpon ex decks and their elemental masks for Expanded, straight from Tw...
Ogerpon Expanded TCG
We listed the top 10 best Moltres in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive scene and E...
kanto moltres tcg
Check out a few deck suggestions with Scarlet & Violet's sixth base set, including some new and old ...
TCG Standard Prices Scarlet&Violet
In this article, we'll show you 5 ways to play Dragons. This is currently one of the most popular ar...
guide standard decks
Check out this dynamic Kingdra ex strategy for the Water archetype - this card is from the "Night Wa...
TCG Standard Night Wanderer
Learn how to play Tenpai Dragon, one of the cheapest meta decks around and also the best going secon...
Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Tech Tenpai
In this article, we picked out the cards with the weirdest artworks - from Pokémon to Trainers. We e...
art tcg Pokémon tcg
Daniel Linhares
There are few places where this is as pronounced as the crypto gaming industry, where game developer...
This article explores the possibilities, legalities, and risks of selling CS:GO/CS2 skins for real m...