الصفحة الرئيسية
Magic: the Gathering
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Rodrigo William
Keep up with the Chi-Yu ex deck for the Fire archetype, recursive for the energization of your Fire ...
Standard Chi-Yu Treasure of Ruin
Keep up with the Wo-Chien deck for Standard, using Forretress ex's ability to energize your Pokémon,...
Standard Wo-Chien Treasures of Ruin
Keep up with the Chien Pao ex deck, with its freezing strength, with which you'll use the resource o...
Standard Chien-Pao Treasure of Ruin
One more competitive event down, and more to come before the World Championship in Barcelona! Check ...
news competitive top 8
Meet the champion deck of the 2023.1 International, in Columbus, Ohio (USA), with the stardom of the...
International Urchifu Inteleon Deck Guide
Controversial, Final Fantasy XVI helps redefine what Final Fantasy means, and becomes the title the ...
Review Final Fantasy XVI
In today's article, we take a look at which March of the Machine cards stood out during the last Pro...
Standard Pro Tour March of the Machine
In today's article, we evaluate the top ten cards from March of the Machine: The Aftermath for the E...
Explorer Review The Aftermath MTGArena
Pacto das Guildas
March of the Machine: The Aftermath is a mini-set that works as a kind of “expansion” of the main se...
Standard MTGMAT Review
Do Planeswalkers without a spark have what it takes to compete in Legacy? Let's go to the analysis o...
Legacy Review Aftermath
In today's article, we evaluate which cards from March of the Machine: The Aftermath have the potent...
Modern The Aftermath Review
Today we'll review March of the Machine: The Aftermath for Commander. Check out which cards from the...
Commander The Aftermath Review
The March of the Machine: Aftermath set has just been revealed, and many players were confused as to...
news set march of the machine epilogue boo
March of the Machine: The Aftermath is the first Magic: The Gathering "mini set" in years. In this a...
Pioneer Review The Aftermath
March of the Machine brought great additions to Pioneer and Explorer. In this article, we'll be look...
Pioneer Decklists MTGMOM
March of the Machine provided us with several legendary creatures! Among them, which is the best of ...
Top 10 Commander MOM
Cards Realm
An informative article discussing the safety of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for children. Exploring it...
hyperbaric terapy oxygen safe children
An article discussing the concept of bonus rounds in online gaming and free slot machines, exploring...
bonus online gaming slot machine