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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Marcos Sobral
In today's article, I'll analyze the 3 new archetypes from the new set, Amazing Defenders, and their...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Review
Rodrigo William
This deck got to Top 8 in San Diego's regional, used by the player Ryan Harris, who got fourth place...
PokémonTCG Regional San Diego Rayquaza
Eduardo Silveira
Continuing our analysis of Universes Beyond Warhammer 40,000, we present a suggested deck budget fro...
Warhammer 40k Ultramarines Commander
Meet Rotom V, a Pokémon that can hit up to 720 damage at its fullest, discarding tools from the disc...
Standard Deck Tech Rotom
Discover the power-up versatility of the Mirage Gate for another Amazing Rare Pokémon that can use i...
Standard Raikou Lost Zone
Meet Dewgong, a cheap Single Prize deck that can deal up to 440 damage!
Standard Dewgong
Get to know the metallic wall of the Galarian Wolves alongside Hisuian Goodra, generating tons os va...
Standard Galarian Wolfs
Meet Clefairy's cheap deck with damage stacking for every psychic energy attached in the entire boar...
Standard Clefairy Wyrderr
Versatile and responsive Aerodactyl VStar deck with its multiple facets of direct damage and spreads...
Standard Aerodactyl
Meet the new addition of the Mirage Gate card to boost Reshiram Amazing Rare, forgotten from the Shi...
Standard Reshiram Lost Zone Deck Tech
Meet Hisuian Zoroark-VStar, one of Japan's favorite decks, straight from the Lost Origin expansion w...
Standard Zoroark Deck Tech
Follow this deck using another Amazing Rare card from the Shining Fates collection and see the poten...
pokémontcg yveltal deck tech
Come check out the list of this Pokémon with great potential since its launch in Shining Fates and t...
Pokémon Standard Reshiram Deck
Leandro Lopes
Today, we will talk about the influence of Dungeons & Dragons in the creation of the antagonists of ...
dnd stranger things rpg
Pedro Braga
Straight from Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate, we have a deck that brings massive aggres...
Commander deck tech livaan background
Renato Castro
Does your one shot always end before the expected? Do your players get discouraged or get lost durin...
RPG One Shots Tips
In today's article, I introduce some of the most famous Control Decks categories!
Magic Control Deck
The auction, which started today, has several bids and its currently value is $43,000!
notícia d&d leilão tiamat