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Modern's Banlist has cards that have been there for over a decade. In this article, I present six ca...
Modern banlist analysis
Standard is at a time when most decks are looking to play for value, making it necessary to have a s...
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By answering these 12 questions, you will find out which Stranger Things character suits you best an...
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Pedro Braga
Straight from Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate, we have a deck that brings massive aggres...
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Rodrigo William
Check out a review on this product to improve your deck with playable cards in this useful deckbuild...
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Capitão Serket
An amazing list that showed up recently, it holds off pretty good in the early game and finishes wit...
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Raphael Martinez
We will talk in detail about the Ramp deck that becomes a suitable alternative for players who like ...
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Vecna is right behind you in the Upside Down, and only one of the songs that plays on the TV series ...
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Caw-Gate was the big news on this weekend's Pauper Challenge, taking advantage of one of the most un...
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Felipe Torres
Today I present a Tasigur competitive deck without using the reserved list, with plenty of recursion...
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Barba do Rafa
Get to know Thresh, the being that orchestrated everything behind The Ruination and the most cruel a...
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Gabriel Singh
Starting out in Blitz and need help deciding which hero best represents your style? In Part 1 of thi...
Blitz Heroes
Dea Pecuniae
A great list for those who like to play Control. This deck explores the interaction between Key to A...
Alchemy Deck Guide Azorius Control
If you like dealing Nexus damage and cleaning the board at the same time, this deck is for you. Twis...
Competitive Meta Tempo
A general guide on how to build and optimize your Sideboard for competitive tournaments.
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Get to know more about the latest rotation news and how it was changes specifically for this year, a...
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We will break down the cost of traveling to Canada by category so that you have a better idea of wha...
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Kindly read on to understand what it takes to write a research paper.
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