Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Thiago NileDeath
This article talks about the most prevalent decks of the format and decks that has ascended with Adv...
standard afr
In this article, I present tips and tricks to get started in Legends of Runeterra, and how to increa...
lor starting legendsofruneterra
Antonio Carlos
Today, I explain the new tournament rules changes, with two important topics: Rolling dices and usin...
rules tournament judge
Divinity Of Philosophy
An updated article explaining how the Roundstart works in Legends of Runeterra
LOR Runeterra rulebook roundstart Divinity
In today's article, we'll analyze the first week of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms on the Constr...
analysis metagame standard modern legacy
Today's article analyzes Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and its impact in Historic.
historic review arena d&d
Cesar Cusin
Are you ready for the Monster Hunters Era?
SilverCoin EuroGame RPG BoardGame
Pedro Braga
Take a look at the best new cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms for your Modern deck!
modern afr review d&d
João Carvalho
In today's article, we are going to discuss some cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms that ...
review AFR legacy MTG joaocarvalho
Today, we'll see the League Weekend results in Standard and Historic, old decks re-emerging in Pione...
metagame modern standard pauper legacy
Today's article analyzes the cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms for Standard!
standard arena d&d review
All cards in the new set Adventures in the Forgotten Realms have just been revealed! Let's take a lo...
standard spoiler afr
Antônio Laerte
A dynamic party game, full of interactions and about a train assault? That's Colt!
party fun board games
Eduardo Silveira
Today we'll venture into a deck with plenty of potential to be quick and aggressive, featuring one o...
edh commander budget d&d
Roberto Pinheiro
Summon units to defeat your opponent in a card game that combines somewhat tight tactical combat, in...
boardgame cardgame dices 1x1 2players
The sheets include iconic planeswalkers from the Magic universe: Chandra, Liliana, Kaya, Narset and ...
news d&d planeswalkers sheets mtg
In today's article, we take an initial look at the Dungeon mechanics, speculating what it needs to s...
d&d analysis dungeon standard
Have fun, make choices, give clues, use your strategy and embrace your creativity. This is Dixit!
Dixit CardGame PartyGame