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Renato Castro
Want to know where to go and sell or get new RPGs? This article will show you!
RPG marketplace on.ine
Ground? LARP? Hexcrawl?! RPG is much more than meets the eye and in this article you will discover 9...
RPG hexcrawl solo LARP
Stranger Things' new season has arrived, with plenty of reference to our favorite hobby. Come and un...
RPG Stranger Things D&D
Love them or hate them, they are still there and can be great tools. Want to learn more about alignm...
rpg alignments d&d guide
Want to play in a setting that hasn't been adapted yet, but think it's going to be too much work to ...
scenarios adaptations anime movies rpg
Return to the roots and start a campaign! But what about with less work and more fun? Take these 7 t...
RPG campaigns adventures
Does your one shot always end before the expected? Do your players get discouraged or get lost durin...
RPG One Shots Tips
The greatest names in medieval fantasy step into the ring in this article. Find out who wins in the...
RPG D&D Pathfinder Dungeons & Dragons
Discover the origins and inspirations of the 13 base classes of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition in th...
RPG DnD D&D Dungeons & Dragons Classes
Dungeons & Dragons is going through the most considerable changes and controversies of the last deca...
RPG DnD D&D Dungeons & Dragons