Magic: the Gathering


Quiz: How Much of the MTG Lore Did You Follow in 2024?

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How much MTG lore from 2024 do you remember? Test your knowledge with this new quiz!

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تمت الترجمة بواسطة Joey

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تمت مراجعته من قبل Joey

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In 2024, we got to meet new planes and experience new adventures in the Magic: The Gathering universe.

It's time to test your knowledge and find out how well do you remember these stories - with this new quiz!

Let's go!

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Who was the true culprit behind the Ravnica murders?

Niv-MizzetCorrect symbol

Massacre GirlCorrect symbol

EtrataCorrect symbol

ObaCorrect symbol

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Why did Kellan become a detective in Ravnica?

To find out more about his dadCorrect symbol

To learn about other planesCorrect symbol

To find out more about other planesCorrect symbol

To pay a debt he owed EzrimCorrect symbol

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Who was disguised as Ashiok in Thunder Junction?

OkoCorrect symbol

AkulCorrect symbol

JaceCorrect symbol

KaitoCorrect symbol

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Who or what was inside the vault in Thunder Junction?

LootCorrect symbol

Tamiyo's DiaryCorrect symbol

Umezawa's JitteCorrect symbol

A platinum angelCorrect symbol

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In which plane did Jace and Vraska hide after they survived the effects of Phyrexian oil?

DominariaCorrect symbol

RavnicaCorrect symbol

VrynnCorrect symbol

Thunder JunctionCorrect symbol

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Why was Maha, the owl, attacking Bloomburrow villages?

Because it's part of its natureCorrect symbol

Because it wanted to find the Dragon Bird that infiltrated BloomburrowCorrect symbol

Because it was hunting Jace and Vraska, who were in BloomburrowCorrect symbol

Because it wanted to find its egg, which was stolen from its nestCorrect symbol

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What or who was Ral Zarek searching for in Bloomburrow?

JaceCorrect symbol

A Niv-Mizzet treasureCorrect symbol

ProftCorrect symbol

The cure for Phyrexian OilCorrect symbol

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Why did Nashi go to Duskmourn?

To avenge Tamiyo's deathCorrect symbol

To be recognized as a heroCorrect symbol

To recover part of Tamiyo's memoryCorrect symbol

To become a better ninjaCorrect symbol

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Which character betrays Wanderer and Niko?

WinterCorrect symbol

RipCorrect symbol

ZimoneCorrect symbol

ArabellaCorrect symbol

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Which character didn't come back from Duskmourn?

KaitoCorrect symbol

TyvarCorrect symbol

NikoCorrect symbol

None of the aboveCorrect symbol
