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Expanded Deck Tech: Trevenant & Dusknoir TT-GX + Cresselia

Expanded Deck Tech: Trevenant & Dusknoir TT-GX + Cresselia

Rodrigo William

Get to know one of the best Expanded Control decks, which will make your opponents mad! We have here...

PokémonTCG Ghost Control

LoR: Complete History of the Gangplank Sejuani Deck and How it Evolved

LoR: Complete History of the Gangplank Sejuani Deck and How it Evolved

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

Come revisit the story of one of the most consistent decks in all Legends of Runterra's history. Eve...

curiosities deck tech

First Pokémon subset is revealed: Triple Beat is here!

First Pokémon subset is revealed: Triple Beat is here!


The subset brings Generation IX starters.

news pokémontcg starters triple beat

Expanded Deck Tech: Moltres (Deck Out)

Expanded Deck Tech: Moltres (Deck Out)

Rodrigo William

Get to know one of the best MIll/Deckout strategies on Expanded, with Moltres from the Sun/Moon: Tea...

Moltres Pokémon Expanded

Standard - Phyrexia All Will be One spoilers Review

Standard - Phyrexia All Will be One spoilers Review

Dereck Duque Estrada

In this article, we'll look at the cards that could have the biggest impact on the Standard Metagame...

Standard Phyrexia Review

Standard Deck Tech: Hisuian Goodra VStar (LBX) - Top 2 Liverpool

Standard Deck Tech: Hisuian Goodra VStar (LBX) - Top 2 Liverpool

Rodrigo William

Get to know the deck that got second place in Liverpool's Regional, in England. This Pokémon almost ...

PokémonTGC Regional Liverpool HisuianGoodra

Pauper Sultai Control: Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pauper Sultai Control: Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

In a meta dominated by Mono Red Kuldotha, Dimir Terror and Grixis Affinity, how about playing an ant...

sultai control pauper tiagofuguete

Limited, Pre-Release and Draft - Phyrexia: All Will Be One Spoilers Review

Limited, Pre-Release and Draft - Phyrexia: All Will Be One Spoilers Review

Dereck Duque Estrada

In this article, we will evaluate Phyrexia: All Will Be One set in Limited, Draft and Pre-Release, w...

draft limited prerelease phyrexia

Expanded Deck Tech: Shadow Rider Calyrex VMax + Tag Team + Ability Lock

Expanded Deck Tech: Shadow Rider Calyrex VMax + Tag Team + Ability Lock

Rodrigo William

This deck got notoriety due to its versatility with card draw and simultaneous charging which Shadow...

PokémonTCG Control AbilityLock Calyrex

Standard Deck Tech: Lucario + Claydol

Standard Deck Tech: Lucario + Claydol

Rodrigo William

Get to know the Lucario (Lost Origin) and Claydol (Silver Tempest) deck, which besides being a cheap...

PokémonTCG Lucario Claydol

Top 10 Best Champion Buffs in the History of LoR

Top 10 Best Champion Buffs in the History of LoR

Tony Lucas

Come check out which champions went from zero to hero after getting buffs!

opinion buffs ranking

Standard Deck Tech: Vikavolt V / Aerodactyl VStar - San Diego Regional

Standard Deck Tech: Vikavolt V / Aerodactyl VStar - San Diego Regional

Rodrigo William

Get to know the deck from the champion Gibson Archer-Tang, Vikavolt & Aerodactyl VStar, used in the ...

PokémonTCG Aerodactyl Vikavolt

Ichormoon Gauntlet Spoiler in Modern: Erayo SuperFriends Combo Deck

Ichormoon Gauntlet Spoiler in Modern: Erayo SuperFriends Combo Deck


One more spoiler, and maybe this time we can revive another deck! Let's take a look at Erayo SuperFr...

modern ichormoon gauntlet erayo super

Phyrexian Vindicator Spoiler in Pioneer: Mono-White Devotion Legendary Deck

Phyrexian Vindicator Spoiler in Pioneer: Mono-White Devotion Legendary Deck


Let's test out the new Phyrexia card in a deck that never saw much play in Pioneer, but it just migh...

spoiler mono-white devotion pioneer

Deck Guide: Lulu Jinx Brings in Crazyness and Explosions

Deck Guide: Lulu Jinx Brings in Crazyness and Explosions


Yangzera delves deep analyzing Lulu Jinx and comments on how to be successful with the best Aggro de...

Jinx Lulu Aagro Biggledust Mecha-Yordle

The Countries That Like Gambling The Most

The Countries That Like Gambling The Most


Here we will show some numbers per country: percentage of adults that gamble, number of betting shop...

gambling statistic countries

How to Win Real Money Pokies: Toponlinecasinoaustralia Guide

How to Win Real Money Pokies: Toponlinecasinoaustralia Guide


Some players tend to believe that online pokie machines are totally based on fortune. But actually, ...

pokie real money guide

Online Pokie Games in Australia with the Best Odds for Gambling

Online Pokie Games in Australia with the Best Odds for Gambling


In today’s article, we would like to cover the question of which pokie game is the most suitable for...

pokie australia best odds

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