Magic: the Gathering


World Championship 30 Top 8 Decklists

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After two days and 14 rounds of Swiss, the Top 8 of the World Championship 30 is defined, with 2 Dimir Demons, 2 Dimir Midrange, 1 Gruul Prowess, 1 Golgari Ramp, 1 Golgari Midrange and 1 Mono Red Aggro. Check out the Decklists!

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تمت الترجمة بواسطة Cards Realm

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تمت مراجعته من قبل Romeu

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جدول المحتويات

  1. > Seth Manfield - Golgari Ramp
  2. > Quinn Tonole - Mono Red Aggro
  3. > Ha Pham - Dimir Demons
  4. > Marcio Carvalho - Golgari Midrange
  5. > Javier Dominguez - Dimir Demons
  6. > Yoshihiko Ikawa - Gruul Prowess
  7. > Max Rappaport - Dimir Midrange
  8. > Kai Budde - Dimir Midrange

Seth Manfield - Golgari Ramp

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Quinn Tonole - Mono Red Aggro

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Ha Pham - Dimir Demons

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Marcio Carvalho - Golgari Midrange

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Javier Dominguez - Dimir Demons

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Yoshihiko Ikawa - Gruul Prowess

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Max Rappaport - Dimir Midrange

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Kai Budde - Dimir Midrange

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