

Heroes of StarCraft: The 3 Best Decks to get to Legend with the New Mini-Set

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Heroes of StarCraft changed the Hearthstone meta entirely. Today, we'll show you the 3 best decks to play with the new mini-set if you want to get to legend!

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übersetzt von Joey

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rezensiert von Joey

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  1. > Introduction
  2. > Secret Hunter
    1. The Deck
    2. Win Condition
    3. Mulligan - Starting Hand
  3. > Weapon Rogue
    1. The Deck
    2. Win Condition
    3. Mulligan - Starting Hand
  4. > Dungar Druid
    1. The Deck
    2. Win Condition
    3. Mulligan - Starting Hand
  5. > Final Words


The biggest mini-set in Hearthstone history came out just a few weeks ago! Heroes of StarCraft gave us 49 new cards, which is 11 more than other mini-sets.

As a result, a few new decks became popular, and old ones changed: the meta is entirely different now. To help you understand the meta and climb to Legend, we decided to gather the best lists in the game right now, according to HSReplay. All the lists below have a win rate of at least 59.10% as of January 31st, 2025.

Secret Hunter


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The Deck

Once again Secret Hunter is at the top of the rankings. The most consistent deck in the last few months is still standing out, even after a new set came out.

Please note that some players decided to swap Product 9 for Leeroy Jenkins, but the list we'll work with today still plays Product 9.

The goal is to play several Secrets to force your opponent to retreat and reconsider multiple play lines to see which resources you have. For instance, if you have an Explosive Trap in play, your opponent may simply throw away a spell just to find out if it is an Ice Trap, and effectively waste one of their resources.

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Product 9 is still a must in this list because it replays all the Secrets you already played in the match, so it easily replays four or five of them. After you do this, your opponent will once again have to take two steps back and reconsider their initial plans, which will delay them even more.

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Win Condition

As Secret Hunter is more reactive, it doesn't play one single win condition, but it does have some interesting ways to deal damage to the opponent. The first is Patchwork Pals: this spell will give you three discounted Animal Companions. This way, you can use Huffer's incredible power and Charge alongside Leokk's buff to deal a lot of damage.

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Another simple combo if you want to put pressure on your opponent is Vicious Slitherspear and Bunch of Bananas. Because of Vicious Slitherspear's effect, each banana will give it +2 instead of +1.

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Finally, we have Zilliax Deluxe 3000 with the Haywire and Power modules as another way to deal damage.

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None of these options are win conditions exactly, but they will wear your opponent down, which is precisely what this deck wants to do to win.

Mulligan - Starting Hand

Costumed Singer and Titanforged Traps are the cards you want in your opening hand because they're great ways to create Secrets for very little mana.

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Another interesting option is Patchwork Pals, which gives you more resources. Keeping generic Secrets, like Bargain Bin and Hidden Meaning, is also a good idea, as they'll be useful in every matchup.

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If you want to know more about this deck, click here to see our full Secret Hunter deck techlink outside website.

Weapon Rogue

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The Deck

This deck was also already popular before Heroes of StarCraft came along, and has remained so. Weapon Rogue is this article's cheapest and easiest list, in fact. It doesn't even play legendaries, so I highly recommend it if you're a beginner.

The plan is to buff your weapon as much as possible with cards like Deadly Poison, Harmonic Hip Hop, and Sharp Shipment.


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If you follow this game plan, you'll soon be able to deal up to 10 or 15 damage with your weapon and easily win the match:

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This deck actually only uses one weapon to win: Quick Pick. That's because the idea is to go tall and buff your weapon multiple times, not use several of them. Your Hero Power also equips a weapon, so, as we mentioned, the plan is to play many buff spells and try to win the game with them.

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However, because of this simple, yet unusual, game plan, this deck is vulnerable to many strong strategies, particularly Freezes and minions with Taunt. You'll still be able to deal with Taunt with either Deafen or Dubious Purchase, but there's no way to deal with Freezes in this list.

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If your opponent Freezes you for two or three turns, you'll probably lose the game, but we still consider Weapon Rogue viable because Freeze, as a mechanic, is not that popular in the meta right now.

Win Condition

The one thing you need to do to win the game with this deck is to buff your weapon as much as you can, but you have to do it in the right order. For instance, you must always start with Swarthy Swordshiner because, if you buff your weapon to 10 power and then use this card, you'll actually "nerf" it back down to 3 power.

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After you play it, feel free to use all the other spells whenever you can, in any way you'd like. If you want to end the game, focus on Eviscerate and Oh, Manager!.

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Mulligan - Starting Hand

The best cards to keep in your opening hand are Quick Pick and Dig for Treasure. If you can't find Dig for Treasure, look for Swarthy Swordshiner because playing it before all other buffs is essential.

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Don't worry if you can't get Quick Pick straight away, as it is just a way to draw cards. You can use and buff your Hero Power weapon as usual to deal damage while you look for another weapon.

If you'd like to know more about Weapon Rogue, click herelink outside website! I highly recommend this list if you enjoy this type of strategy or if you're a beginner/free-to-play.

Dungar Druid

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The Deck

Our third and final list is a classic, slower Druid strategy that focuses on creating mana bit by bit so you can play huge minions on the board later on and dominate your opponent entirely in the late game. Dungar Druid is the most expensive deck in this article, as it plays five legendaries, but it also has the highest win rate (60.39%), according to HSReplay.

Cards like Innervate, Trail Mix, and New Heights will accelerate your game plan by ramping mana, a classic strategy. This is essential because your minions are extremely expensive.


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Because this deck doesn't do much in the first few turns (nearly nothing, in fact), you'll need a few cards to survive until the end of the game, like Forbidden Fruit, Pendant of Earth, and Frost Lotus Seedling.

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Win Condition

If you survive and get to the late game with a lot of mana available, your win condition will be quite clear as you play. Thunderbringer, for instance, has Taunt and, when it dies, will bring you Star Grazer and Splitting Spacerock, which are also huge and have their own effects.

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You'll also have Travelmaster Dungar, which summons another three gigantic minions from your deck, and the completely unbalanced Yogg-Saron, Unleashed and Eonar, the Life-Binder.

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Even if your opponent can handle these minions, you'll create more with the 2 copies of Hydration Station.

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Mulligan - Starting Hand

Your priority when you mulligan is definitely New Heights, as that's how you'll get mana.

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Other than that, you can keep the few other 1-cost cards in this list: Arkonite Revelation, Malfurion's Gift, and Cactus Construct. They'll give you more resources and grow your board, even if only a little, at the most vulnerable moments of the game for you - the first few turns.

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Final Words

Heroes of StarCraft brought us many different decks, but the meta still has space for many already existing decks, like Weapon Rogue and Secret Hunter.

What did you think of these lists? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!