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Eduardo Silveira
A review of the Starter Commander Deck: Token Triumph, this time the Selesnya Tokens commanded by th...
Commander Selesnya Tokens Upgrades
A review of Starter Commander Deck: Grave Danger, a classic Zombies deck with the infamous siblings ...
Commander Grave Danger Upgrades
Despite the flaws in its winconditions and manabase, Dimir Control offers a solid base for players w...
Pioneer Challenger Deck Dimir Control Upgrade
Gabriel Almeida
A balanced deck against most matches in the format, probably the most versatile creature deck you'll...
explorer humans deck guide
Orzhov Humans is the most focused and well-constructed list among the Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022...
Pioneer Challenger Deck Upgrade Orzhov Humans
The Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022 are here! Today, we present a guide on how to improve Gruul Stompy...
Phoneer Challenger Deck Upgrades Gruul Stompy
The Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022 are here! And today, we present a guide on how to improve the Izze...
Pioneer Challenger Deck Upgrade Izzet Phoenix
A review of the Warhammer 40,000: Necron Dynasties precon deck, a legion of machines in a Mono Black...
Warhammer 40k necron upgrade
A review of the Warhammer 40,000 preconstructed deck, The Ruinous Power, a Grixis Cascade with Abad...
Warhammer 40k precon upgrade
A review of the preconstructed deck from Warhammer 40,000: Forces of the Imperium, a swarm with Comm...
Warhammer40k precon upgrade
An analysis of Dominaria United's preconstructed Commander deck, Painbow, with Jared Carthalion as i...
Painbow Dominaria United Upgrade
A review of the Dominaria United Commander preconstructed deck, Legends' Legacy, featuring Dihada, B...
Dominaria Precon Upgrades
Favored Hoplite was just what was needed to make Mono White Heroic a viable and accessible option in...
heroic budget arena explorer
Leandro Lopes
Today, we will talk about the influence of Dungeons & Dragons in the creation of the antagonists of ...
dnd stranger things rpg
We will briefly explain in this text some references and Easter eggs that we observed when watching ...
RPG Dnd references movie
This article seeks to solve a great doubt of beginner players and present ways to familiarize themse...
RPG Beginners
Renato Castro
Want to know where to go and sell or get new RPGs? This article will show you!
RPG marketplace on.ine
Some small tips can be enough to improve your RPG skills to a level where your party can kill a gree...
rpg dnd tips