Doctor Who Reprints for Pauper
Hey, guys, what's up? I'm Tiago Fuguete, and today we'll discuss a reprint that has been heavily requested by every Pauper player. It is very common for people in live broadcasts to comment on it, and it is finally time for it to happen!
The Doctor Who set is coming, with a release date set to October 13th, 2023. The Doctor Who set is more focused on Commander, but what's important to us Pauper players is knowing that, if a card is a common in any edition, they can be used in Pauper - and we'll have 3 reprints we'll use thoroughly. They are Ponder, Preordain, and the most important one, Snuff Out!
Let's discuss the importance of each reprint a bit, and see what they'll change in the physical game's economy or in MTGO's economy.

Let's start with Ponder, which is a very popular cantrip in Pauper and is very important; everyone frequently uses four copies of this card in the decks that it can go in.
The new artwork is stunning, and players who like collecting will certainly want to have it in their collection.
Ponder is a card that has already had many reprints, and that is what makes its price so expensive, starting around $3.99. As for MTGO, the card is quite cheap there, only costing a few Tix cents.

Preordain can be considered one of the best cantrips, maybe even the most used cantrip among Blue players. Players always want 4 copies of this card in their decks.
The artwork is also stunning, as all in this series' theme, and is perfect for collectors.
One difference about Preordain is that recently this card was unbanned in Modern and its price ended up raising a bit, going out of the $1.00 range and into the $3.00 range. With this reprint, it can return to a more friendly price tag. In MTGO, this card's price also fluctuated: it went from costing a few Tix cents to costing more than 4 Tix, and today is averaging 2 Tix.
Snuff Out

Boy, if you only knew how happy I was when I saw that this card would be reprinted for Pauper! During my live broadcasts, we always comment on how it has been a long time since this card had come out, how it is a very important card for the format, and how it is very expensive considering it's in Pauper.
I really want to buy my own set, as I still don't have it and I always need it - after all, if you're playing Swamps, it's almost impossible to not use this removal in your list.
The artwork is a bit of a sad thing, as it ended up a bit awkward and even a bit ugly. Contrary to what I pointed out above regarding Preordain's artwork being thematic for this series, this one isn't as pleasant. I don't know what I wanted for this artwork, but I never imagined there would be a robot on this card.
It is very likely prices will drop - even though I don't think it will be a good drop, but it will give us more option to be able to buy it. As there were only two artworks, and they were older, Snuff Out is one of the most expensive cards in Pauper. Today, the cheapest option costs around $11.99, and in MTGO it costs almost 6 Tix.
I keep thinking about this price. As the reprint is coming along, me and all other players imagine prices will drop, but I always hear many folks saying they don't have this card and would like to buy it. With that, the demand should be considerable, which means, sellers won't drop their prices, or will drop them just a little, and in the end it won't make much of a difference for physical Magic.
As for MTGO, I still don't know if this new set will be released over there, and I've also seen many players selling their most expensive copies to rebuy them cheaper later. As a result, I am a bit hesitant and prefer to wait, as it can go very badly.
Final Words
At the end of another article, I'd like to know more about you - what did you think of each reprint? Which one did you enjoy more? And, of course, do you already have your Snuff Outs, or will you buy them soon?
Leave any questions or suggestions you have in the comment section below, and I'll return to talk about it further!
Thank you and I hope you enjoyed reading this article.
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