Magic: the Gathering


All 4 Decklists from Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022

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Each of these four decks lets you jump into Pioneer gameplay with everything you need to get started on your competitive journey.

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übersetzt von Leon

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  1. > Challenger deck Izzet Phoenix decklist
  2. > Challenger deck Dimir Control decklist
  3. > Challenger deck Gruul Stompy decklist
  4. > Challenger deck Orzhov Human decklist

Challenger Decks are the perfect entry point for anyone looking to jump into competitive Magic. Each deck includes:

- A complete 60-card deck

- 15-card sideboard

- 5 double-sided tokens and 6 double-faced helper cards

- 1 Deck box (holds 75 sleeved Magic cards)

There are four unique Pioneer Challenger Decks to choose from, and they will be available worldwide in English, German, French, and Japanese. Below, you'll find decklists for each of the four decks, as well as the tokens included.

Challenger deck Izzet Phoenix decklist


Challenger deck Izzet Phoenix deckbox
Challenger deck Izzet Phoenix deckbox

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Note that the decklist includes two copies of Expressive Iteration, a card currently banned in Pioneer.

This deck will still be legal for tournament play in tabletop Magic: The Gathering for Pioneer, but only as is. Specifically, the 60-card deck and 15-card sideboard will be legal as long as no changes are made to it.

For the Izzet Phoenix Pioneer Challenger Deck on Magic Online, the two copies of Expressive Iteration are instead replaced by one copy of Pieces of the Puzzle and one copy of Fiery Impulse.

Challenger deck Dimir Control decklist

Challenger deck Dimir Control deckbox
Challenger deck Dimir Control deckbox

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Challenger deck Gruul Stompy decklist

Challenger deck Gruul Stompy deckbox
Challenger deck Gruul Stompy deckbox

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Challenger deck Orzhov Human decklist

Challenger deck Orzhov Human deckbox
Challenger deck Orzhov Human deckbox

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