Magic: the Gathering


Summer of Legends: The News of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

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Basic Lands with flavor text, iconic creatures, and spells from the world's most famous RPG, Commander Decks, and more!

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übersetzt von Romeu

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rezensiert von Tabata Marques

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The program WeeklyMTG and Wizards has announced plenty of news today for the Summer of 2021!

Just like Modern Horizons II, the release of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms was also postponed for a week:

June 29: Previews begin

July 8: Available on MTG Arena and Magic Online

July 16–18: Webcam Prerelease play through Spelltable beta

July 16–22: Prerelease Week, including in-store play (where available)

July 23: Worldwide release

But our campaign on Forgotten Realms looks promising, and we can start with the basic lands, which will have flavor-texts to bring the storytelling-feeling of the classic RPG to the cards. There will be four different lands for each basic land type and they will represent iconic places from Dungeons & Dragons!


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But it's not only on the lands that we will see iconic elements from the game but also on the spells, artifacts, and creatures:

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And, of course, a set themed around D&D wouldn't be complete if it didn't have its most iconic creature:

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Image content of the Website

The dragons of the new set will receive special treatment with alternative versions. But they are not the only cards with this kind of treatment, and we can expect to find cards with an even more symbolic alternate version:

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And the Buy-a-Box promo was also revealed:

Image content of the Website

And the packages of the booster boxes and prerelease packs:

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Image content of the Website

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms will also have Theme Boosters, one for each color and one not yet revealed. The set will feature four Commander decks, which names are:

Aura of Courage

Dungeons of Death

Draconic Rage

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