Magic: the Gathering


Top 10 COMMON good cards, but rarely played in tier decks.

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In this article I bring 10 cards that are really good, but that are left aside and can enter Pauper or PDH, the Pauper Commander.

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übersetzt von Exylem

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rezensiert von Tabata Marques

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Hello friends! I'm Betão and today I bring you ten cards which may not be the first choice for most players, but that execute their function really well in their deck game plan.

These cards are being left aside, maybe because there are better options, or due to their specific effect not fitting in the 60 cards already chosen for the deck, and finding a slot for something like this may be really complicated. But, aiming something not so competitive in Pauper, and maybe even in the PDH, they may bring new builds or even a different tech in something that already exists.


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This card may be really efficient against aggressive decks. Maybe this can be a candidate for replacing Stonehorn Dignitary on TRON if the rhino is banned on Pauper. On PDH, in decks that have blink or flicker mechanics on their game plan. It can also be used in sideboards, especially against decks which generate value when they attack, like decks which use Ninja of the Deep Hours or even Boros Monarch decks, to avoid losing the monarch.

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Sandstorm costs only one green mana and is also an instant spell. It can be used on the sideboards of decks which play with green and that contain an attack of multiple tokens, Goblins or Elves. However, it has a problem, which is that it only affects attackers.

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Feldon's Cane may catch opponents by surprise, as few players expect it, even on PDH. With the Cane on the battlefield, mill combos can be avoided and losing to decks like UB Mill as well, especially since this mechanic is slowly returning.

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Against decks which forces too many discards this may be useful, and also if the deck uses Rhystic Study or other sources of card advantage, as it removes the maximum hand size limit.

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This artifact may help a lot to show you the right moment to cast a spell, or to prepare your hand against an impactful play, or even to prepare a fatal combo. Knowing if your opponent may counter a piece of your combo may give you the chance to set up a trap or find a way to stop the counter spell.

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Another successful tendril for a long time on MBC, but this one is rarely used, and could be played in decks which interact with the graveyard, like Tortured Existence. The Reanimators may also make good use of it. Removing two cards from your opponent's hand can be decisive against combos and also against control decks. Against Burn it may bring the match closer to a victory, as Burn can't replace its hand easily.

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This tutor is really good in decks which use combos, especially since the best combos have the blue color. It can find the missing pieces or even cards with transmute, which will find what you need quickly.

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Like we have said above, about the transmute ability, this card is almost a 3 in 1. It can counter, or force the opponent to discard their hand if they want their spell to resolve, or you may transmute it to look for a key card for a combo or an essential play.

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This card may play in Tron, in mirror matches, against control decks or even Burn, and it has a strong synergy with Ephemerate. If you manage to enter the clock with Tron, your opponent won't be able to have cards in their hand anymore.

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Another card which may be used in an alternative Tron build, or even against Tron, in a Familiar deck, for example. The effect of tapping all lands may allow you to combo more easily. On PHD it is also great on decks which make good use of flickers.


That's it for now. It was a shorter article, but that was the objective. When and if we go over 1000 views, I'll bring 10 more cards which may have been underexplored.

Thanks Cards Realm for the support and trust.

Thank you for reading and until the next article.