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Magic: the Gathering
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Pedro Braga
In today's deck tech, I'll show you my main Commander deck! We'll see the adventures of The Eleventh...
commander decktech jeskai doctor who
It's finally time to upgrade this fantastic deck. Allons-y! Let's discuss a totally Timey-Wimey deck...
commander upgrade decktech doctor who
Nat Almeida
There is only one Me! Our deck tech focused on Me, the Immortal is available to help you bring the p...
commander decktech doctor who
In this article, we'll work on upgrading the new precon deck, Blast From The Past, which is a true g...
commander precon upgrade Doctor Who
In this article, we'll show a guide on how to upgrade the Universes Beyond: Doctor Who deck, Paradox...
doctor who commander edh
In today's article, we bring you a guide on how to upgrade the precon deck, Master of Evil, from Uni...
precon commander edh doctor who
Rodolfo Nogueira
Doctor Who introduces four new Commander decks: Master of Evil (blue, black and red), Paradox Power ...
commander doctorwho decklists
Tiago Fuguete
After many years of waiting and the whole Pauper community asking for it, Snuff Out will be reprinte...
snuffout reprint doctor who pauper
Magic: The Gathering meets the classic British sci-fi series Doctor Who with the new MTG Doctor Who ...
mtg doctorwho tardis release
The new Universes Beyond product for MTG, inspired by Doctor Who, was just revealed at MagicCon Minn...
news doctor who mtg universes beyond