About Superheavy Samurai
After the support received in Cyberstorm Access, Superheavy Samurai goes from a deck with no competitive relevance to one of the main decks in the current Yu-Gi-Oh!, forcing even the oppressive Kashtira to use specific techs to try to stop its combo.
The archetype is formed by machine-type monsters and has two very unusual characteristics:
The first is that some monsters can declare attacks even when they are in Defense Position, and if they do, their DEF must be applied for the damage calculation; The second is a restriction, some of your monsters can only activate or apply their effects if your Graveyard is "empty" of Spell/Trap Cards.
This second feature is relevant to the point of affecting Superheavy Samurai's deckbuilding, which doesn't use spells/traps in its main deck to avoid the risk of them ending up in its graveyard. However, some players use continuous spells/traps in the side deck, which is risky, but justifiable, since continuous cards remain on the field after being activated.
Default Decklist
Main Deck

Superheavy Samurai has 4 different starters, all of them used at 3 copies, resulting in a total of 12 cards capable of starting the deck's standard combo.
Superheavy Samurai Motorbike can fetch any monster of the archetype, and moreover, because it's a Level 2 Tuner, it will usually be used along with a Level 8 Synchro as material for Summoning Baronne de Fleur.
Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi is very likely the best card of the archetype, and is essential for the advantage it generates and for its versatility. As a Level 4 Tuner, it allows you to access Rank 4 Xyz Monsters as well as Level 8 Synchros, plus it can also Summon Superheavy Samurai monsters directly from your Deck.
Now we come to the “normal summons” of the deck, and among them, Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer is the most important and will be used several times during the combo, since it is not once per turn. Superheavy Samurai Wagon is your most vulnerable starter as it is more susceptible to handtraps than all the others, but it still has its role on the list.

Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei is a pseudo garnet, you need to have it there to resolve the effect of Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi well, but it's not too bad if you draw it either, since that along with any other "Superheavy Samurai" monster, you can reach one of its starters.

Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker is an excellent extender, but it can also function as a starter if needed, and therefore some consider using more copies of it. Also, this is the card that lets you play around Droll & Lock Bird.
Superheavy Samurai Scales is another important extender, and is often accessed through the “Soulpeacemaker” effect. Its effect is critical during the standard combo, and also in the grind game, as it allows you to recycle your "Superheavy Samurai" monsters.

Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia Booster is a level 4 extender, so it can be useful when interacting with Link-1 of the archetype, as it can be summoned easily after being equipped, and then can serve as material for summoning synchro or xyz due to its level.
Superheavy Samurai Stealthy is a very versatile extender, and because it is easily summoned from your hand, it can be important if your opponent “invalidate” your normal summon for the turn. Also, its effect of "stealing" a spell/trap from the opponent's graveyard can be quite useful.

These are the biggest garnets in the deck, but which are important during the combo. Ancient Gear Box needs to be added to your deck hand, then you can use its effect to add Infinitrack Tunneller to your hand. Then both will be Pendulum Summoned to serve as material for more Summons. Also, at the end of the combo, Infinitrack Tunneller will be responsible for drawing 2 cards, and furthermore, recycling some of your monsters.

Therion "King" Regulus is a generic main deck negate, and because it's a machine type it has good synergy with the deck, and can be easily Summoned, equipping any "Superheavy Samurai" from the Graveyard.

To start the tech cards, we have the Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju, which can handle the format's towers very well and was chosen because it is a machine-type, therefore fetchable in the deck.

Kashtira Fenrir earned its place among the deck's techs, as it's a good out to deal with floodgates that could cripple the deck. Also, when playing second, “Fenrir” can force opponent interactions and help you break their field.

The choice of handtraps follows the trend of the format and uses the best options against Superheavy Samurai itself, that is, they are oriented towards the mirror match. Although this was the first approach chosen by most players, it is possible that as the format evolves, the deck will focus its techs to face Kashtira, or at least not to lose its interactions when Kashtira Arise-Heart is on the field or when Dimension Shifter resolves its effect.
Extra Deck

The extra deck has only two monsters of the archetype and Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow is the most important of them, since it is used right at the beginning of the combo.
Superheavy Samurai Ninja Sarutobi, despite not being so important during the combo, is your main way of dealing with the opponent's spells/traps and is also your main out for a Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir from your opponent.

Baronne de Fleur is one of the boss monsters in the deck, and quite possibly the most important among them, since the first part of your play is all about summoning it to protect the rest of the combo.
Meanwhile, Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon is the card that lets you Summon "Baronne" by respawning one of your Level 2 Tuners from your Graveyard.

Ancient Gear Ballista and Gear Gigant X are mainly here to add the Ancient Gear Box from your deck to your hand during the initial combo. Furthermore, Gear Gigant X can also add starters if needed.

Here we have a small engine for you to access Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder.
By having easy access to Level 4 monsters, you can easily Summon Springans Merrymaker, then you can use it as material to Summon Gigantic "Champion" Sargas, which, in addition to fetching the Therion "King" Regulus, is strong enough to battle an opponent's monster and serve as material for "AA-ZEUS".

Qliphort Genius is the most important card during the deck's standard combo, its role could be to add Therion "King" Regulus or Infinitrack Tunneller to your hand. Furthermore, it serves as material for the invocation of Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess.

Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess is another boss monster in the deck, perhaps the least important of them, as it requires more monsters to be summoned and negates only monster effects. However, it is still a strong and necessary card in our strategy.

Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir is an essential card when you have the combo interrupted by a Droll & Lock Bird or Dimension Shifter. And once you've been stopped, you summon it to hold the game.

Knightmare Unicorn is quite interesting to deal with high ATK monsters, or to remove any card that can hinder you, in addition, it is a good way to “scale up” to summon Accesscode Talker, which is an excellent game finisher which is here to help you win your matches.
Superheavy Samurai's Game Plan
Superheavy Samurai can be defined as a very consistent engine, and despite having a restriction on the use of spells/traps, most of its effects don't leave you locked to summons only of its archetype and therefore the deck is very versatile. In this way, your final field is based on accessing powerful generic monsters.
The initial combo of the deck aims to summon Baronne de Fleur, and then you go to the second part through Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker. The second part of the combo aims to add the Therion "King" Regulus from the deck to the hand, and also have enough monsters to Link Summon Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess.
This has been the most relevant standard route that the deck follows, but there are also strands focused on FTK and Hand loop. However, they are less consistent, and they haven't put up good results in major events so far.
Standard Superheavy Samurai Combo
Here's the standard combo if you open with 1 starter and 1 discard card:

>First activate Superheavy Samurai Motorbike to add Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi to your hand;
>Activate Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi in the Pendulum Zone and use its effect to Summon it as a monster and place Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei in the other Pendulum Zone;
>Activate the effect of Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei to add Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer to your hand. Normal Summon it and use it as Material for Summoning Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow;
>When sent to the Graveyard, activate the effect of Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer to add Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker to your hand;
>Activate Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow to return Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer, discarding PSY-Frame Driver from your hand;
>Now use Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi and Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer to Synchro Summon Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon;
>At this point you need to organize the chain as follows: Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon as chain link 1, Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer as chain link 2, and Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi as chain link 3 ;
>The chain will resolve with Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi returning to the pendulum zone, Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer adding Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia Booster to hand, and Superheavy Samurai Motorbike being Summoned from the Graveyard ;
>Now use Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon and Superheavy Samurai Motorbike to summon Baronne de Fleur;
>Now you can go to the second part of the combo. Equip Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker to Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow and Tribute it to Summon Superheavy Samurai Scales from your Deck, then activate its effect to Summon Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer, and use both to Summon Ancient Gear Ballista;
>Organize the chain with Ancient Gear Ballista as chain link 1 (to add Ancient Gear Box to your hand) and Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer as chain link 2 (to add Superheavy Samurai Stealthy to your hand);
>After resolving the previous chain, activate Ancient Gear Box to add Infinitrack Tunneller to your hand;
>Summon Superheavy Samurai Stealthy from your hand, and use it along with Ancient Gear Ballista as material for Summoning Qliphort Genius. Remember to leave the two zones it points out free, and Pendulum Summon Ancient Gear Box and Infinitrack Tunneller on them;
>By Summoning them, you can use the effect of Qliphort Genius to add Therion "King" Regulus to your hand;
>Now use Qliphort Genius, Ancient Gear Box, and Infinitrack Tunneller to summon Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess;
>Then, Summon Therion "King" Regulus from your hand, equipping Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer from your Graveyard;
>You can now banish Infinitrack Tunneller from the Graveyard to return 5 Machine-Type, EARTH Attribute monsters to the Deck and draw 2 cards;
>To finish off, you can use the effect of Baronne de Fleur to destroy Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer and use its effect to add another “Superheavy Samurai” to your hand as a follow-up.
So, your field will end up like this:

In addition, you will have several cards in your hand (and possible interactions), since you used only 2 of the 5 cards in your initial hand, and added others several times during the combo.
Main matchups
Superheavy Samurai's full combo is strong, with omni-negates from Baronne de Fleur and Therion "King" Regulus, plus Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess which can negate monster effects at least 3 times. Definitely, this board is strong enough to handle any deck in the game.
Its favorable matchups are those against decks with little room for techs and little resilience to interactions, such as Branded Despia. But if you play first, it's a favorite against any deck, except when the opponent opens with specific techs capable of stopping you completely like Droll & Lock Bird and Dimension Shifter, for example.
Against consistent decks that also use a lot of handtraps, such as Spright, Mathmech, and Superheavy Samurai (mirror match), the matchup is usually won by the one who better plays their tech cards, since they are all very resilient decks.
Its main unfavorable matchup is against Kashtira, especially if they start the duel. In addition to the possibility of having a blocked pendulum zone, which greatly hinders our game plan, they are running the dreaded Dimension Shifter in its main deck specifically for this matchup. Therefore, if you intend to beat Kashtira, it is essential to get the techs right.
In addition, Labrynth, which started to use a build with fewer trap cards, to focus on handtraps, can also be a problem for Superheavy Samurai, since by avoiding most of the high techs in the format, it will not suffer as much against handtraps.
So, what did you think of the deck? I hope you enjoyed learning more about it and that you have a lot of fun with it.
You are welcome to give your opinion here in the comments, Cards Realm appreciates your collaboration!
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