Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Rafael de Melo
In today's article, let's explore one of the best heroes in Classic Constructed nowadays: Aurora. We...
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Pedro Fernandes
Check out another Elemental deck that has been in the spotlight in the past few days. Learn today ho...
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This deck has no epics or legendaries! Elemental Mage is the perfect tier 1 deck for a F2P player!
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Two years after the release of Modern Horizons II, the Elementals remain the most predominant card c...
Modern MH Ban Elementals
In today's article, I bring Iyslander in Commoner, showing its position in the Metagame, how to play...
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Briar is one of Flesh and Blood's most famous heroes, and her theme as an Elemental Runeblade is fle...
Briar Blitz Deck Guide
In today's article, I'll bring you some tips that many beginners, and even veterans, don't know abou...
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There are many Elementals on Zendikar, with many legends among them for the protection, reconstructi...
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A tribal deck which is extremely aggressive and which can also ramp mana very quickly
Daniel Linhares
This article explores key psychological strategies that apply to both baccarat and competitive card ...
Sports are not just about the physical side of things; They are mental games. Mental Health Stories ...
Cards Realm
Discover the secrets to success in New York online casinos. Learn how cultivating a winning mentalit...
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Do you know that beyond fun, video games positively impact your cognitive skills and problem-solving...
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Discover the perfect escape from academic stress with these five card games that provide relaxation,...
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Playing video games can benefit your mental health in many ways such as improving problem solving sk...
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So, what makes poker pros so successful at this event? Here are 10 fundamental reasons why they keep...
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