Pokemon TCG


Pokémon Pocket:Top 5 Decks with Time-Space Smackdown

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In this article, we gathered a few lists that won big Pokémon Pocket grassroot tournaments recently, and that are, today, the best decks with the new set. They all use new cards, and are extremely popular in competitive and casual settings.

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translated by Joey

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revised by Joey

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Table of contents

  1. > Introduction
  2. > Exeggutor and Yanmega ex
  3. > Weaville & Darkrai ex
  4. > Dialga ex & Melmetal
  5. > Palkia ex & Manaphy
  6. > Darkrai ex & Magnezone
  7. > Final Words


Today, we'll go through the most powerful, most impactful decks in the meta now that Time-Space Smackdown, the new set, is out, and see why these lists are so powerful.

These were the best-performing decks in a few big tournaments held recently, and are also considered tier 1 decks by websites that collect Pokémon Pocket data.

Let's see them!

Exeggutor and Yanmega ex

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This list got 2nd place at "The Dark League" tournament - 116 players participated in this event. The runner-up, "LG - Katepoke", won 9 games and only lost 3 with it.

This deck is incredibly simple and versatile. It is also well-positioned in the meta because of how unpopular Fire lists are right now.

The main game plan is to first use Exeggutor ex as your frontline Pokémon in the active spot, while you prepare Yanmega ex on your bench. You'll heal Exeggutor ex with Erika and equip Giant Cape on it to make it even beefier.

It is quite easy to play as well as solid, so it's great for competitive settings. It is also really simple to build, as it only uses one rare card from the new set - Yanmega ex.

Weaville & Darkrai ex

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This deck got 1st place at the FrogEX Space tournament - 500 players participated at this event. The winner, "Yoguro", won 12 games and only lost 2 with it.

The main idea behind this list is to deal damage to the opponent's active Pokémon constantly with Darkrai ex's ability, and damage their benched Pokémon with Spiritomb.

As Weaville ex deals more damage to Pokémon that are already damaged, you'll always be ahead. After all, you'll have no trouble dealing damage to enemy Pokémon with these new cards.

If your opponent retreats their Pokémon, you can just pull them back into the active spot with Cyrus to end the match.

This is an extremely powerful new strategy that is also quite solid and fast. Very few lists can keep up with this deck, and it is safe to say it might deal more damage than any other list in the entire game.

On its own, this archetype retired a few strategies that lean on early game Pokémon that don't have a lot of HP. It is currently at the very center of the metagame, particularly in competitive settings.

Dialga ex & Melmetal

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This new archetype is considered a tier 1 deck on TCGpocket.GG, and is also incredibly popular in tournaments.

Dialga ex is one of the best setup Pokémon in the game, and goes really well with Melmetal. Both are currently well-positioned in the meta because of how unpopular Fire decks are.

The main idea is to use Dialga ex as a frontline/setup Pokémon in your active spot. More specifically, you'll use its attack to attach Metal energies to your benched Pokémon.

While Dialga ex absorbs all enemy damage, you'll set up Melmetal. With enough energies, it is one of the strongest threats in the entire game because it is very resilient and deals a lot of damage.

This list is great because it plays extremely beefy Pokémon that don't die easily. In fact, you'll probably be able to deal with most popular archetypes without any issues.

It also plays Skarmory, an extremely cheap Pokémon that goes really well with the new Tools from Time-Space Smackdown. It is a great carry early on if you can't find Dialga ex.


Palkia ex & Manaphy

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This list got 1st place in "The Dark League" tournament, which we mentioned before. The winner, "MFZ", brought this new Palkia ex strategy, and won 10 out of 12 matches.

Water decks are even stronger now. They're the best lists in the entire game when the matter is attaching energies to your Pokémon, and, by far, play the fastest setups in the entire game.

In two turns, if you're lucky with Misty or start with Manaphy in your active spot, you might simply win the game with your strongest Pokémon. This deck is that strong.

This means your Palkia ex can, easily, on the first few turns, deal 150 damage to the opponent's active Pokémon. Your Articuno ex can deal 80 + 20 damage to their benched Pokémon.

Virtually, this is the strongest deck in the entire game, but it is a bit inconsistent because you'll have to rely on luck to get the energies you need with Misty.

Even if Misty doesn't give you these energies, or if you can't find Manaphy early on, this list is still very powerful and competitive.

This deck also makes Fire lists even more unpopular, as it is strong against them. Poor Charizard ex.

Darkrai ex & Magnezone

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This list got 1st place in the "Flash Friday Season 2" tournament - 129 players participated in this event. The winner, "bayashi", used this list to win 11 matches, and only lost 1.

Currently, it is the most popular list in tournaments. This Darkrai ex version, in particular, is the most popular of all: it is 37%~40% of all Pokémon Pocket tournaments.

The reason behind this is very simple: this deck is great against Water lists, and can easily attach energies to its Pokémon with Magneton's ability.

The main idea is to use Druddigon as your frontline Pokémon while you attach Electric energies to your benched Magneton with its ability. Then, you'll manually attach Darkness energies to your also benched Darkrai ex.

This combination will deal damage to your opponent's active Pokémon constantly as they try to deal damage to you, and you'll have plenty of time to safely attach energies to your Pokémon.

Eventually, you'll evolve Magneton to Magnezone, which deals 110 damage to the opponent's active Pokémon, or 130 if they're weak against Electric Pokémon.

If this isn't enough, you can always use Darkrai ex's ability to knock out enemy Pokémon, or pull damaged Pokémon on their bench into the active position with Cyrus.

This list answers the meta really well, as it is full of Water decks. It answers it so well, that it has now become the problem and is currently the best list in the entire game. So far, we don't have a direct answer to this archetype, for instance. All we can do is wait a few days to see how the meta will evolve, and hopefully another list will soon come up to answer it.


Final Words

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