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With the World Championships taking place this weekend, we've created a compilation of each year's M...
throwback worlds magic champions
The MTGMelee platform accidentally made the lists available during this Tuesday morning, three days ...
news worlds magic
If Faeries is Pauper's best deck, what strategies can we use to exploit its weaknesses, and which de...
faeries pauper analysis metagam
Royale SuperCup is at the door! 10 teams will participate in this edition that brings 1,000 TIX in a...
pauper supercup tournament teams
After a decade as the format's most iconic creature and the pillar of a deck that defines the Metaga...
legacy analysis delver
This week, we see which decks came up in the first post-rotation week, plus Delver's appearance on P...
metagame analysis standard pioneer legacy
In this article, I explain why Faeries will (almost) always be Pauper's best deck.
faeries pauper metagame
We are close to the end of Season 21, and soon we'll have the PD 500, so let's see which decks stood...
penny mtgo budget
In this Article, I analyze the best commanders at Innistrad: Midnight Hunt for Pauper EDH
pdh analysis review
In today's article, we'll analyze Innistrad: Midnight Hunt's potencial for Legacy!
legacy review innistrad
Divinity Of Philosophy
There are 48 decklists divided into 16 line-ups that will be used in the biggest Legends of Runeterr...
decklists lineup top16 worlds
Antonio Carlos
In today's article, I talk about the keywords and rulings of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt!
mtg innistras rules
In today's article, we'll look at what new cards in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt might impact Pioneer!
pioneer innistrad analysis
With the end of the spoiler season and the full set revealed, it's time to our Pauper set review for...
analysis pauper review innistrad
With one more return to Innistrad, some creatures are back in evidence. Today we're going to learn m...
vampires lore innistrad
Thiago NileDeath
We've put together 15 interesting, broken or just plain fun lists for you to play Historic Brawl in ...
brawl historic commander arena
Cesar Cusin
Dogs of War is my number 1 board game, simple as that, and that will prove assertive during this rev...
dogs of war board game CMON
Sixteen players from around the world will compete between October 8th and 10th for the title of Wor...
world magic news