Magic: the Gathering
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One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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In today's article, we'll upgrade one of Duskmourn's Commander precons, Jump Scare!, with Zimone, My...
precon guide upgrade edh duskmourn
Marcos Sobral
In today's article, we'll review the best cards from the Rage of the Abyss set, and how they'll impa...
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Review Rage of the Abyss
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll review the October 2024 LoR rotation and discuss the main changes Standard ha...
opinion rotation lor
Cesar Cusin
An abundant new form of energy, Prism, has been discovered. You are the CEO of an Electric Company a...
energy power plant
In this article, we present the main highlights of the second week of Duskmourn in Magic Online Chal...
Duskmourn Metagame Review
Tabata Marques
With the same visual style of its predecessor, *Fuzz Force: Spook Squad*, *Isle of Swap* is the newe...
review tcg cardgame
In today's article, we present a guide to upgrade the preconstructed Commander deck Endless Punishme...
You're the leader of your own civilization. As you go through historical periods, it's up to you to ...
nations civilization board game
In today's deck tech, straight from Assassin's Creed, we brought Aveline de Grandpré in a creature-c...
deck tech commander edh guide
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll discuss the emergency Living Legend ban, and go over the Dev Talk with Jam...
FaB banlist LL Dev Talk
Now that Grief has been banned for a while (something many players were very excited about), we fina...
Legacy Metagame Review
Rodrigo William
Check out the 10 most beautiful arts from the seventh base set of the Scarlet & Violet block: Stella...
PokémonTCG Stellar Crown Arts
Check out the most expensive cards in Scarlet & Violet: Stellar Crown. If you're a collector, or jus...
Pokémon TCG Standard Market Scarlet&Violet
Daniel Linhares
Card games have cemented their place in the ever-growing esports landscape, evolving from centuries-...
In this paper, one will discuss what is currently the best cryptocurrency in terms of security and c...
Why choosing the right game developer matters for the online casino experience. How top gaming devel...
Explore the fascinating evolution of aviation-themed betting games, with a focus on the popular Avia...
Casino card games have a long history. They have changed over time because of many things, like pop ...