Magic: the Gathering

Deck Guide

Sideboard guide - Standard Esper Doom deck

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Here is Léo Lima from HG Team, and today we have the sideboard guide to Esper Doom of love, that scored 13-1 and took me to the Innovation Championship that will take place on November 21st and 22nd.

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revised by Tabata Marques

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Table of contents

  1. > Rakdos MID / Mill
  2. > Grull Adventures
  3. > Dimir Rogues
  4. > Golgari Adventures
  5. > Mono Red
  6. > Mirror
  7. > UB Control

Hello my babies, what's up? In the Innovation Championship there will be 64 players competing for the trifle of US$30.000. Let's check the deck!

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Before we start this guide, I would like to explain about the choice of playing with Esper Doom of 60 cards and not 80. I've been playing with this mechanic even before the rotation, and I've always seen its potential. There were many matches until this conclusion was reached. Playing with 80 cards may be better against Angle Mill from Rogues, but doesn't guarantee the victory. Against other decks, it gets worse in good matches and you depend a lot on top drawing.


Rakdos MID / Mill


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In this match we toughen the hate grave and exiles. The focus is to interact with the opponent's board and with the grave, when your key cards are sent to it.

Grull Adventures


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Extremely aggressive, Grull is one of the decks that punishes its opponents a lot for slow plays. Here we reduce the Ugins in order to have faster interactions (on Glass case) and with the removal of Eggs, Espelth Conquers and Ashioks get it to generate valor.

Dimir Rogues


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This is the bad match. And yes, you saw it right. 9 cards go out and 11 get in. On the side, one by one counters, removals and discards get in and we remove cards that have zero effectiveness against the deck. We add two more cards (cling to dust). It will be the tech to keep our grave reduced, allowing only the cards that go back with Dance of the Manse.

Golgari Adventures


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Although it shows up less frequently, Golgari still is a really strong deck and it demands respect. We choose a plan with more removals and valor generation with Ashiok.

Mono Red


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Mono red will always be the judge of meta, and when it opens with a good hand, it is almost impossible to hold its aggressiveness. Here we put interactions to get time and make valor plays.



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It may vary a lot here according to your opponent's list, but in general, discards, counters and well fit valor plays determine the winner. Another fundamental tech is to well place an Espelth's Nightmare to exile the opponent's grave and get out of the Dancer's radar.

UB Control


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By setting a long game and respecting the opponent's Sharknados, this is still a good match. Mystical and agonizing are key cards for the victory.


That's it boys and girls. I know there are more decks on the meta, yet, I focused on the ones that stood out on CBF Qualifier Channel Fireball. About the decisions and strategies taken above, there will always be a variety on the opponents' lists, without even mentioning play/draw... So, take your feeling into consideration. I would like to thank here Mikail, Nh, Paulo, Dea, Ana, Garrido, Ryo, Stu and also my brother Hélio. Without all of you I wouldn't get to those 75 cards that took me to the top 8. I also thank to the space and team Card Realm, that is always supporting the community and making it stronger.