Magic: the Gathering

Deck Guide

Innistrad: Crimson Vow's Impact on competitive formats

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Let's check here which Innistrad 2.0 cards are appearing in the winning decks of the metagame in Standard, Pioneer, Modern, Legacy and Pauper.

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traducido por Leon

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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  1. > Standard >10%
    1. 7. Circle of Confinement - with 21 copies in 9 decks (11% of the Standard metagame)
    2. 6. Flame-Blessed Bolt - with 22 copies in 10 decks (12% of the Standard metagame)
    3. 5. Shattered Sanctum - with 39 copies in 12 decks (15% of the Standard metagame)
    4. 4. Sorin the Mirthless - with 28 copies in 13 decks (16% of the Standard metagame)
    5. 3. Hullbreaker Horror - with 42 copies in 16 decks (20% of the Standard metagame)
    6. 2. Hopeful Initiate - with 73 copies in 19 decks (23% of the Standard metagame)
    7. 1. Stormcarved Coast - with 73 copies in 20 decks (25% of the Standard metagame)
  2. > Pioneer >2%
    1. 11. Shattered Sanctum - with 6 copies in 3 decks (2% of the Pioneer metagame)
    2. 10. Cemetery Prowler - with 9 copies in 3 decks (2% of the Pioneer metagame)
    3. 9. Cemetery Gatekeeper - with 7 copies in 3 decks (2% of the Pioneer metagame)
    4. 8. Lantern of the Lost - with 8 copies in 3 decks (2% of the Pioneer metagame)
    5. 7. Voldaren Estate - with 10 copies in 5 decks (4% of the Pioneer metagame)
    6. 6. Wandering Mind - with 15 copies in 5 decks (4% of the Pioneer metagame)
    7. 5. Edgar, Charmed Groom // Edgar Markov's Coffin - with 10 copies in 5 decks (4% of the Pioneer metagame)
    8. 4. Stormcarved Coast - with 15 copies in 7 decks (5% of the Pioneer metagame)
    9. 3. Hullbreaker Horror - with 8 copies in 7 decks (5% of the Pioneer metagame)
    10. 2. Sorin the Mirthless - with 22 copies in 11 decks (9% of the Pioneer metagame)
    11. 1. Flame-Blessed Bolt - with 47 copies in 20 decks (16% of the Pioneer metagame)
  3. > Modern >2%
    1. 2. Cultivator Colossus - with 24 copies in 6 decks (3% of the Modern metagame)
    2. 1. Wandering Mind - with 12 copies in 8 decks (4% of the Modern metagame)
  4. > Legacy >2%
    1. 1. End the Festivities - with 4 copies in 3 decks (3% of the Legacy metagame)
  5. > Pauper >2%
    1. 6. Voldaren Epicure - with 8 copies in 2 decks (2% of the Pauper metagame)
    2. 5. Kessig Flamebreather - with 8 copies in 3 decks (3% of the Pauper metagame)
    3. 4. Ancestral Anger - with 12 copies in 3 decks (3% of the Pauper metagame)
    4. 3. Reckless Impulse - with 22 copies in 6 decks (6% of the Pauper metagame)
    5. 2. Wedding Invitation - with 12 copies in 7 decks (7% of the Pauper metagame)
    6. 1. Blood Fountain - with 44 copies in 15 decks (16% of the Pauper metagame)
  6. > Conclusions

Innistrad: Crimson Vow promises new vampires and Olivia's wedding. The set has already been released and has already made appearances in all formats. Let's check here what has changed in the last week and what cards are showing up.

These lists were made using our Metagame pagelink outside website: we collect information from decks 5-0, winners of Playoffs, Challenges and other tournaments. The work here was to process the cards that most appeared in these winning decks; just a description of what's going on in the metagame for each format.


We do not count reprints or basic lands. Let's go then!

Standard >10%

7. Circle of Confinement - with 21 copies in 9 decks (11% of the Standard metagame)

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6. Flame-Blessed Bolt - with 22 copies in 10 decks (12% of the Standard metagame)

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5. Shattered Sanctum - with 39 copies in 12 decks (15% of the Standard metagame)

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4. Sorin the Mirthless - with 28 copies in 13 decks (16% of the Standard metagame)

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3. Hullbreaker Horror - with 42 copies in 16 decks (20% of the Standard metagame)

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2. Hopeful Initiate - with 73 copies in 19 decks (23% of the Standard metagame)

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1. Stormcarved Coast - with 73 copies in 20 decks (25% of the Standard metagame)

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Pioneer >2%

11. Shattered Sanctum - with 6 copies in 3 decks (2% of the Pioneer metagame)

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10. Cemetery Prowler - with 9 copies in 3 decks (2% of the Pioneer metagame)

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9. Cemetery Gatekeeper - with 7 copies in 3 decks (2% of the Pioneer metagame)

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8. Lantern of the Lost - with 8 copies in 3 decks (2% of the Pioneer metagame)

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7. Voldaren Estate - with 10 copies in 5 decks (4% of the Pioneer metagame)

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6. Wandering Mind - with 15 copies in 5 decks (4% of the Pioneer metagame)

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5. Edgar, Charmed Groom // Edgar Markov's Coffin - with 10 copies in 5 decks (4% of the Pioneer metagame)

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4. Stormcarved Coast - with 15 copies in 7 decks (5% of the Pioneer metagame)

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3. Hullbreaker Horror - with 8 copies in 7 decks (5% of the Pioneer metagame)

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2. Sorin the Mirthless - with 22 copies in 11 decks (9% of the Pioneer metagame)

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1. Flame-Blessed Bolt - with 47 copies in 20 decks (16% of the Pioneer metagame)

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Modern >2%

2. Cultivator Colossus - with 24 copies in 6 decks (3% of the Modern metagame)


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1. Wandering Mind - with 12 copies in 8 decks (4% of the Modern metagame)

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Legacy >2%

1. End the Festivities - with 4 copies in 3 decks (3% of the Legacy metagame)

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Pauper >2%

6. Voldaren Epicure - with 8 copies in 2 decks (2% of the Pauper metagame)

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5. Kessig Flamebreather - with 8 copies in 3 decks (3% of the Pauper metagame)

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4. Ancestral Anger - with 12 copies in 3 decks (3% of the Pauper metagame)

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3. Reckless Impulse - with 22 copies in 6 decks (6% of the Pauper metagame)

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2. Wedding Invitation - with 12 copies in 7 decks (7% of the Pauper metagame)

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1. Blood Fountain - with 44 copies in 15 decks (16% of the Pauper metagame)

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Many cards are still being tested. Wandering Mind comes up with 15 copies in 8 decks, which shows they are still putting 1-2 cards per deck to check its power. We'll probably see more changes next week to this list and I plan to be here to show you if there are any!
