10 Lists to Play on the First Day of the New Expansion, Heart of the Huntress


The new expansion, Heart of the Huntress, is here! With so many available cards, maybe many players feel lost when building their lists. For that reason, I listed 10 decks that use the new cards, so you can test out on the first day of the Expansion.

These lists were tested out in the Early Access event on June 27th. Obviously, these lists will still go through refining during the next few days, so feel free to add and take out cards in any way you like. These lists are just here to guide you in your deckbuilding, and show you what is possible on the first day.
Nidalee Norra
This is my first impression of how the Nidalee archetype will possibly work. The champion Norra matches Nidalee pretty well, once, to level up the Shurima champion, she needs to see 6+ units be played or summoned. Norra's portal mechanics really help with this game strategy.
Bandle City is a region that matches this game style more attuned to Midrange proposed by Nidalee pretty well as well. The whole package of Nidalee's new cards is quite versatile and will possibly be competitive, due to the interactions regarding negating enemy spells, and bluffing units on board.
Aatrox Xolaani
This list disappeared after the meta stabilized in the Standard format a month ago. Most players learned how to play against this deck as well. And for that reason, the whole archetype stopped being played.
But, I still believe it is a very interesting list, and with the addition of the new card, Siren Song, this archetype might come back into seeing competitive play.
Red Gwen
Gwen was protagonist of many decks in the meta of last year and beginning of this year. After all her archetypes got nerfed, she disappeared and stopped seeing play. But, now with new additions of cards that really match this archetype, the red Gwen deck can finally come back to seeing play at a high level.
The new follower, Captain Kalrix, really helps this archetype to close out matches, and certainly Samira will help this deck hold its own in the first few turns. Not to mention, this deck now counts with one of the best spells in the game, Pirouette, which is the best resource to stop any threat that your opponent can put on board.
Neeko Demacia
The new champion, Neeko, is one of the most fun ones in the new expansion. She matches the Demacia Midrange archetype a lot, because the region has many spells and tools that make it easy for large boards to play well.
This list is extremely consistent and versatile, not to mention Neeko brings a very interesting level of complexity to your plays. Another factor that makes this list interesting is the interaction with the opponent board that Neeko's support followers bring. All followers have strong effects and big enough stats to be played at a high level, and that is why I think Neeko will be able to be played at a competitive level.
Poros are stronger than ever, and that deck will probably be one of the most popular ones in the whole world. Everyone likes Poros, and now that a Poro deck is playable, this list will easily fill the meta in the first few days of the new expansion.
Poros play in a game style which is pretty close to old Freljord Midrange decks, sharing lots of stats across the board. The most significant difference is that as Poros are super cheap, it is very easy to have a large board with big units.
Very few lists can hit head on the value that Poros can create, and if you're not prepared to play against that deck, you'll get snowballed to high heavens in the ranked queue.
Karma Sett
The new Ionia cards really match Karma Sett. Probably, the new additions to the Ionia region will be the best cards in the new expansion, so keep an eye out for Karma Sett, which should keep dominating the competitive meta.
The list got more versatile and better against Aggro matchups, and as it is a deck that is naturally good against Control decks too, this list basically wins against everything now.
We'll have to go through the process of understanding how to win against this list again, so, until then, I suggest you abuse this archetype in grassroot tournaments, and even in the ranked queue itself.
Ryze lost a lot in rotation, and now with the new Ionia card, Rejuvenating Breeze, it might come back a bit into the meta as an answer to slower Midrange lists.
I still think this archetype remains a bit too weak, and very hard to play. But it might surprise us all in the first few days of the expansion, as it is a list that can hold its own against most of the decks that will be popular on the first day.
Udyr Galio
Demacia got the best anti-meta card of all time, the Mageseeker Junior. This card, on its own, can end most Combo lists that bring small spells. Possibly, this card will be responsible for pushing Seraphine, and even Samira lists, out of the meta completely.
The deck that best takes advantage of Junior's effect is the Udyr Galio list, because their spells and stances already cost 3 mana, and you can zero the cost of Udyr's stances by striking with this champion, or using Hyara Allseer's effect, if you don't have Junior on board. So, most times you'll have spells that cost exactly 3 or zero in hand, and your opponent will have a bricked hand.
Aurelion Sol - Age of Dragons
The ramp cards, mostly, were rotated, but, even then, it is possible to make a list that abuses this mechanic and is playable. The new spell, Age of Dragons, is a very interesting addition to this forgotten archetype, and might be what was missing for this list to finally see play.
This deck plays in the fatigue style, in which you keep healing, stunning and freezing the enemy board, until your Aurelion Sol can come down. With the new spell, he can come with other dragons which will also cost 0 mana.
Evelynn Viego
Evelynn got one of the best cards in the expansion, which was Siren Song. You can expect that her archetype with Viego comes back at full force into the meta.
It is very easy to establish a game rhythm in which you share countless stats on board, transforming your board into an unstoppable snowball of gigantic units. It is, perhaps, one of the few decks which will be able to deal with the sped up game rhythm that the Poro list will have in the first days of the expansion as well.
Not to mention, this list has a much better reach for combat tricks, because you bring cards like Vengeance and Hate Spike, which help you deal with enemy threats.
Final Words

If you've read this far, now you have all the most interesting lists in your hand to play on the first day of the new expansion, Heart of the Huntress!
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