Magic: the Gathering


MTG Doctor Who: Date, Cards, Doctors and Companions Revealed!

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Magic: The Gathering meets the classic British sci-fi series Doctor Who with the new MTG Doctor Who Commander Decks. Check out the different incarnations of Doctors we can play with later this month, as well as the Companions that travel with them.

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traducido por Cards Realm

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revisado por Rodolfo Nogueira

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  1. > No need to travel back in time to keep up with the news!
    1. Release date
    2. Decks
    3. Doctors and Companions
    4. Basic land cards with Tardis!
  2. > Finishing

No need to travel back in time to keep up with the news!

Fans of Magic: The Gathering and Doctor Who can look forward to an exciting collaboration, as spoilers for the MTG Doctor Who decks were recently revealed. These decks promise to give us the opportunity to play with all incarnations of the Doctor, since 1963, accompanied by their faithful Companions.

Release date

Taking advantage of Russel T Davies' Doctor Who special, MTG Doctor Who is confirmed to be released on October 13. Taking place before the release of Lost Caverns of Ixalan.


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Wizards has planned multiple commander decks and promises to fill them with "doctors, companions, villains, locations and more" from throughout the program's history.

The 4 known decks will be:

  • "Timey-Wimey, Magic The Gathering Doctor Who Commander Deck"

  • "Masters of Evil, Magic The Gathering Doctor Who Commander Deck"

  • "Blast from The Past, Magic The Gathering Doctor Who Commander Deck"

  • "Magic The Gathering Doctor Who Commander Deck Paradox Power"

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    These decks will feature a new engine, "Doctor's Companions". Derived from the "Partner" mechanism, this allows you to have a second commander, as long as one is a Doctor and the other is a Companion of the Doctor.

    Doctors and Companions

    Here we present the Doctors with their respective Companions that will provide us with interactions between characters introduced since the first time in 1963. Divided between 4 decks, there will be 13 Doctors being distributed among them.

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    Basic land cards with Tardis!

    In addition to the Doctors and their Companions, the art for the new basic lands were also revealed.

    Image content of the Website


    Excited about this crossover between MTG and Doctor Who? Who is your favorite Doctor? In addition to these new cards, be sure to also check out the News for MTG Lost Caverns of Ixalan!link outside website
