Board Game


1st and Roll Review: Join the NFL!

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In this game, you're a football coach. All the excitement of a real game is here! Pick the best plays, whether you're playing defense or offense, break tackles, go through the red zone, get into the end zone, and touchdown! It's time to snap! Are you ready?

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traducido por Joey

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revisado por Joey

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  1. > American Football
  2. > Game Info
  3. > The Game
  4. > Game End
  5. > Tips and Strategy
  6. > Unboxing, Rules, and Gameplay Videos
  7. > Teaching Moments

American Football

American Football is a team sport played by 2 teams of 11 players each, but, actually, these two teams are much bigger. The 11 players on each side are actually just one of 3 full teams that go into play depending on the game state:

  • the 11 offense players only play when your team is attacking;

  • the 11 defense players only play when your team is defending and

  • the other 11 players, in the special team, only play when their specialty is needed, such as kick off, field goal, punt, extra points, and much more.


    The Kansas City Chiefs Snapping
    The Kansas City Chiefs Snapping

    American Football is basically centered around conquering space. The offense team must advance at least 10 yards in 4 tries, which are called downs. If they fail, they have to hand over the ball to the opposing defense team. But, if you manage to advance these 10 yards or more, you'll get 4 new tries to keep advancing. This means you have to be decisive at all times, or, better yet, in each down.

    Let's join the NFL and play American Football with 1st & Roll!

    Game Info

    1st & Roll is best played with 2 to 4 players, ages fourteen and up, and was designed by Stephen Glenn. It was illustrated by Jennifer Vargas.

    Game Box
    Game Box

    It was first released in 2018 by R&R Games. Its main mechanic is dice rolling.

    Game Components
    Game Components

    Here's some interesting trivia about its designer, Stephen Glenn, and its illustrator, Jennifer Vargas: they worked together in the past version of this game, 1st & Goal, which used cards and dice. After it came out, they noticed they could still improve the game if they made it a dice-rolling game only, and that's how 1st & Roll came to be - nowadays, it is more fun, and one match lasts half of the time!

    The Game

    Feel all the excitement of a football match with 1st & Roll. Everything is, quite literally, in your hands. Is it time to run, pass, or kick? Pick your strategy and roll the dice. Making the right decisions may make you advance many yards, unless the defense manages to handle your attack. Fumbles, interceptions, sacks, penalties, deep passes, big races - in 1st & Roll, you'll see all of this and much more.

    Like any football match, we'll start by tossing a coin. The winner picks if they'll start kicking off the ball, defending, or receiving the ball.

    After that, you'll set up the magnet markers on the scoreboard and the time-out areas, then set up the clock marker, and the penalty and kick dice. And, the most important of all, you'll also set aside 3 offensive dice (positive values) for the offensive player, and 3 defensive dice (negative values) for the defense player.

    Game Setup
    Game Setup

    One of the best details in 1st & Roll is that, besides the other markers, the "1st down" marker and the ball will remain on the board at all times. Imagine all of these markers and the other components moving around all the time - yeah, the game designers planned it all very thoroughly. They won't get in the way.

    The Game Board
    The Game Board

    At the beginning of the game, the defense team kick offs the game, and the offense team picks between touching back (to start with the ball at 25 yards), or trying to run the ball out. This means running with the ball as much as you can and as much your dice rolls allow you. Straight away, you can tell the game will force you to make difficult decisions.


    After that, you'll play a regular turn:

  • both players secretly pick 1 out of their 3 dice;

  • the defense player also adds the clock die to their hand;

  • then, they both reveal, at the same time, the dice they picked.

    Players revealing their dice at the same time
    Players revealing their dice at the same time

    And this is how the entire game plays out:

  • If you pick different colored dice: the offense player rolls their dice, while the defense player only rolls the clock die. The offense moves the ball according to the number on the dice or

  • If you pick the same color dice: both players roll their dice. The ball moves forward or backward according to their sum.

    The ball advances 8 yards
    The ball advances 8 yards

    The fun detail that makes this game so similar to football is that the clock dice has 3 sides:

  • a clock, which advances the clock marker;

  • the white side, which doesn't move the clock marker;

  • the turnover side, which means the ball might have been stolen by the defense. You'll roll this die again, and, if you get a turnover again, the other team gets the ball.

    Advancing the clock after rolling the clock die
    Advancing the clock after rolling the clock die

    But don't think you just need to roll the yard die and run with the ball. The defense can also roll a die, and, if they pick the same color die as you and get a higher number, you might lose yards, just like in real life.

    Each team has 3 dice with different colors and roles:

  • the green die represents a pass (and doesn't move the ball very far);

  • the yellow die represents a pass and a run (through more yards) and

  • the red die represents a run (through even more yards).

    These choices aren't that obvious because, depending on the board state and how many downs you still have, you'll need to somehow deceive your opponent and advance the ball.

    And there's more: defense dice are different from offense dice, and they're the ones that make this game feel like a real football match.

  • defense dice have sides that represent a penalty (the yellow flag), which forces you to roll another die (the penalty die) to find out if the penalty goes to the offense or defense;

  • offense dice, in turn, may let you run even more in an iconic breakaway run (when the number of yards you run appears in a circle). You'll reroll these dice and advance even more. You might also break tackles (when the number of yards you run appears in a circle) - you'll also reroll this dice and advance more yards.

    Game Dice
    Game Dice

    Considering all the possible dice combinations this game includes, everything that happens in a regular football match can happen in 1st & Roll:

  • long plays;

  • incomplete passes;


  • punts;

  • field goals;

  • extra points;

  • 2-point conversions;

  • false starts;

  • holdings;

  • personal fouls

  • offsides

  • safeties

  • timeouts;

  • hail mary passes and

  • touchdowns, obviously.

    Please note that everything that happens in a real match can and will happen in this board game, so it is quite immersive and exciting.

    Game End

    The game ends immediately when the clock marker reaches the last space on the clock during the second half. Whoever has more points wins.

    If there is a tie, you can keep playing through overtime. Pick a player at random to receive/kick off the ball, exactly like before. Then, the game goes on as usual. The first team to score wins.

    It's that simple!

    Tips and Strategy

    1st & Roll is all about picking the right dice. It might seem obvious, but you'll have to consider your down, how many yards you still need to run, if you're playing offense or defense, the score, the clock… These variables might seem obvious, but they'll make the game quite unpredictable.

    The game will get quite intense when, exactly like a real football match, you have to decide what to do on the 4th down. You can keep playing and try to run the yards you need, return the ball with a punt, or even try to score a field goal. These are a few of the important decisions you'll have to make.

    If you need to turn the game around, you might have to make a hail mary pass, and that might be the difference between winning and losing. You'll need nerves of steel.

    As a Chiefs fan, I guarantee you: what happens in a regular match also happens in 1st & Roll!

    I confess that this is a bit of a niche game, so it is great if you enjoy football, but it might not be that exciting for someone who isn't really into sports. It is, however, an excellent opportunity to explore the rules of the game and turn someone into a football fan!

    Unboxing, Rules, and Gameplay Videos

    Check out this unboxing:

    Learn the rules:

    Teaching Moments

    1st & Roll might be a niche game, but it is great for all ages, as it encourages you to work on your logic and management skills, and refine your strategies. It is also quite exciting and intense thanks to its dice-rolling mechanic.

    You'll need to use your math skills throughout the entire game because the numbers you get on your dice rolls will determine how many yards you run or retreat. So, you'll have to add and subtract constantly.

    You'll also need to prepare strategies beforehand if you want to manage the clock by stopping it with timeouts, and plan your downs correctly, as you'll have to pick which die you want to use to run less or more. This game includes many variables that will have you scratching your head - in a good way!

    1st & Roll is very fun, and teaches you a lot about sports and strategies.

    I highly recommend 1st & Roll to your collection!!
