Do you like to play Commander? If so, have you ever wondered who you are when you're playing?
We've selected a few questions to help you find out who you are when you're playing. If you miss any results or questions, leave them in the comments.

What matters the most when you build your deck?
Picking up a good commander for combos
It needs good ramp cards.
If the commander's color identity can hold off the table.
The commander needs to look cool and have good synergies with creatures.

The game has started! Someone played Mana, Sol Ring, Mana Rock. What do you do?
Nothing. Soon I'll ramp so much that their mana rocks won't matter.
It's good if the opponent play spells....while they still can.
I get a bit jealous, but mana rocks aren't blockers!
I'm good, that doesn't make any difference on my game.

Someone played a troublesome creature. What do you do?
I read it carefully. If it's truly troublesome, it won't even hit the board.
There's no troublesome creature if the player is no longer in the game, right?!
As long as it doesn't mess up my game, play whatever you want.
They wouldn't dare to attack me after I've helped them out.

Sweeper incoming! What now?!
Time to make everyone replenish their resources by drawing cards!
I was the one playing the sweeper.
Are my most important cards in the graveyard? If yes, I should try to recur them!
That player becomes my primary target for ruining my board filled with tokens!

Time to be political! The opponent made an offer, and you:
I am the one making the offer.
I accept, since that means one less opponent to worry about for the next turns.
I pretend to accept, but only as long as it benefits me.
I don't need politics to win the game, I just need to attack!

During a game, which phrase you're most likely to say?
“I'll counter that.”
“Since I'm a nice guy, I'll help you out!”
“Land of the turn, and I'll ramp here!”
“Here's the combo!”

Choose the card that is most likely to be on your deck.

Bolas's Citadel



Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis
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