Magic: the Gathering

Deck Guide

Top 10 Legacy cards and Top 3 decks that saw more game in 11-2019

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Aims to evaluate how Legacy metagame has been changing in november of 2019

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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"Top 10 FORMAT cards and TOP 3 decks that saw more game in MONTH-YEAR" * aims to evaluate how the metagame has been changing that month to a certain format.

I am not a professional player and I do not intend to give my opinion here but in fact inform what is happening in the metagame. Did you see that we have a metagame session in this sitelink outside website? There we have MTGO, Star City Games, Channel Fireball and Nerd Rage Gamming top 8 tournament decks; These are big tournaments with many professionals playing. With the decks of this metagame we can process the cards that have being more played last month!


Let's take a look? Remembering that I make a comparison of the month before last month and last month!


10º - Sword of Fire and Ice - from 12 to 23 units (+11)

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9º - Sylvan Library - from 66 to 78 units (+12)

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8º - Mother of Runes - from 8 to 20 units (+12)

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7º - Veil of Summer - from 111 to 123 units (+12)

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6º - Deafening Silence - from 12 to 24 units (+12)

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5º - Brazen Borrower // Petty Theft - from 41 to 53 units (+12)

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4º - Swords to Plowshares - from 65 to 77 units (+12)

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3º - Dreadhorde Arcanist - from 14 to 26 units (+12)

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2º - Liliana, the Last Hope - from 17 to 30 units (+13)

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1º - Echo of Eons - from 11 to 29 units (+18)

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3º - 4c Loamlink outside website - from 3 to 10 decks (+7)

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2º - Grixis Dreadhorde Delverlink outside website - from 3 to 12 decks (+11)

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1º - Sultai Delverlink outside website - from 3 to 12 unidades (+11)

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The ban on Wrenn and Six brought legacy back to the old legacy. The 4-colors Delver decks that include green and red for the 2-mana planeswalker have now returned to play with 3 cores.