Magic: the Gathering


Weekly metagame: New Decks on the Rise?

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Here we are with another weekly analysis of the Challenges Metagame! And we are surprised with some of the lists we found this week!

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traducido por Exylem

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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  1. > Standard Challenge
  2. > Pioneer Challenge
  3. > Modern Challenge
  4. > Legacy Challenge
  5. > Pauper Challenge

Standard Challenge

On the last Saturday we had a Standard Challenge with a top 8 composed by:

3 Gruul Landfall

2 Temur Ramp

3 Dimir Rogues

In this top 8 we had a representation of how the Standard's metagame is stable with the predominance of a few decks, such as Dimir Rogues, Gruul Landfall, Monogreen Food/Ramp and Temur Ramp among the tier 1 decks. This Saturday we had a final match between Dimir Rogues and Gruul Landfall, where Dimir Rogues was the champion. It's also worth mentioning the 12th place decklist, which was a Boros Cycling deck.


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On Sunday we had a top 8 composed by:

2 Gruul Landfall

1 Mono Green Food / Ramp

2 Dimir Rogues

2 Esper doom

1 Dimir control

Amidst a meta filled with Gruul and Mono Green decks, the list that won the challenge was Esper Doom. This deck comes with good responses against the meta decks, abusing various control elements with the deck's main card, Doom Foretold. The second place went to Gruul Landfall, one of the most popular decks on the current standard.

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Pioneer Challenge

This Saturday at the Pioneer Challenge the meta of the top 8 was composed by:

1 Lukka Fires

1 Landless combo

2 Orzhov Auras

2 Four Color Omnath

1 Mono Green Devotion

1 Lotus Combo

We had the final match between Landless Combo against Orzhov Auras, where the Landless deck conquered its victory. It is interesting to note that the decklists with 80 cards are increasing in popularity and are now using Yorion, Sky Nomad not because of its synergy with the deck's cards but just because it is a 4/5 creature with flying. These 80 cards versions are justified in order to avoid drawing unwanted pieces that should go to the graveyard, like Prized Amalgama. In addition, the deck has several card redundancies for its combo, without losing consistency.

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This Sunday at the Pioneer Challenge the meta of the top 8 was composed by:

2 Four Color Omnath

1 Boros Burn

2 Sultai Reclamation

1 Lukka Fires

1 Dimir Control

1 Jeskai Super Friends

The champion deck was Sultai Reclamation in a final against Lukka Fires. But the highlight here is the unusual decks entering the top 8, like Dimir Control, a deck with many counter spells, removals and Ashiok, Nightmare Muse. We also had a Jeskai Super Friends, a control deck with many planeswalkers.

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Modern Challenge

On Saturday we had the Modern Challenge and the metagame of the top 8 was composed by:

1 Azorius Control

1 Mono Blue Tron

1 Devoted Combo

1 Four Colors Uro / Omnath

1 Temur Uro

1 Mono White D&T

1 Titan Amulet

1 Ox Dredge

With another top 8 full of different archetypes, we can say that the only thing that never changes in the format is that it always changes. In a final between D&T and 4 Colors, the winner was the 4 Colors. It's worth mentioning the presence of Blue Tron ​​and Devoted Combo, who made it to the top 8.


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On Sunday the metagame of the top 8 was composed of:

2 Four Color Uro / Omnath

1 Rakdos DS

1 Rakdos Kroxa

1 Landless Combo

1 Dimir Mill

1 Hammer Time

1 Monored Prowess

We saw once again the presence of the deck Hammer Time, a mono white equipment deck that tries to use Colossus Hammer with Puresteel Paladin or Sigarda’s Aid in order to equip it for 0 cost. This new deck went to the final match, against Rakdos Kroxa.

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Legacy Challenge

This Saturday we had the Legacy Challenge with the top8 composed by:

1 Temur Oko / Uro

2 Elves

1 Izzet Pyromancer

1 Reanimator

1 Grixis Fenix

1 Sneak and Show

1 Azorius Urza

On Saturday we had a final between Sneak and Show and Azorius Urza, this last one obtaining the victory, showing that Azorius Urza is a deck that is here to stay. The highlight here goes for two different decks that have emerged recently: an Izzet Pyromancer, which uses Young Pyromancer in conjunction with various control elements, and Fenix Grixis.

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On Sunday, the top 8 was composed by:

1 Temur Oko / Delver

1 Reanimator

1 Sneak and Show

1 Eldrazi and Taxes

1 Four Colors Snow Oko

2 Esper Vial

1 Mono Red Fenix

In a very unusual final match we had a mirror of Esper Vial decks, an archetype that is gaining more strength with the launch of Opposition Agent from Commander Legends. The highlight here is the Mono Red Fenix, a budget deck which made a good result in the Challenge.

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Pauper Challenge

This Saturday we had the Pauper Challenge with top 8 composed by:

1 Cascade Walls

1 Izzet Skred

1 Stompy

3 Boros Bully

1 Affinity

1 Grixis Control

With a top 8 without the presence of Tron, ​​we had 3 Boros Bully (only one with a Pyroblast used in the main deck), but the winner was a Cascade Walls that uses barriers as a ramp source and ends the game with Boarding Party, Annoyed Altisaur and Ulamog's Crusher. Highlight for the Grixis Control that came in 8th place.

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On Sunday we had a top 8 composed by:

1 Dimir Fairies


1 Stompy

1 Gruul Ponza / Cascade

2 Izzet Skred

1 Affinity

1 Boros Bully

1 Bogles

On Sunday it was the Dimir Fairies' turn to win in a final against Izzet, using two cards not usual in the deck: Zulaport duelist and Moonblade Shinobi. Highlight to the Gruul Ponza / Cascade list in 6th place, showing that the cascade archetype is here to stay.

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