The NOEX format is one of the most popular formats in Pokémon Pocket tournaments nowadays. One of the main reasons why is that it is very popular with "free-to-play" players that don't have many rare cards, so, most players.
In this format, you can't use any Pokémon ex, which are the strongest cards in the entire game.
Below, we gathered the 5 best-performing decks that won tournaments recently and don't include any Pokémon ex.
Golem + Druddigon + Brock

This list, by "feraldoto", got 1st place at the NOEX REPLACEMENT TOURNAMENT, which was hosted by Pokémon Downunder. It was undefeated and won a total of 12 matches.
Pokémon that use Fighting energies are great in the NOEX format because you won't find any Mewtwo ex in this format, and that is its greatest enemy. Furthermore, most Fighting Pokémon are fast and their basic forms have a lot of HP.
This list includes Golem's evolution line. Its final evolution, Golem itself, can knock out most NOEX cards for just 4 energies, and its effect also nerfs the next enemy attack by 30 points when you attack with it. This makes Golem extremely tough, so, even though it is slow, it can take a lot of enemy damage.
To get the energies you need and attach them to Golem, this deck includes Brock, which does exactly that: when you play this Trainer, you'll be able to attach one Fighting energy to your Golem, which will accelerate your entire strategy.
Other than that, this list plays Druddigon as the main tanker, Hitmonlee to finish Benched enemy Pokémon, and Marshadow so you can turn the game to your favor when your opponent knocks out one of your Pokémon.
Get Revenge For Farfetch'd - Farfetch'd + Marshadow

This list by "javirl02" got 2nd place at the NOEX REPLACEMENT TOURNAMENT, hosted by Pokémon Downunder. It won 10 matches and lost only 2.
The main idea behind this list is to get revenge for your Farfetch'd. This Pokémon deals more (guaranteed) damage than any other basic Pokémon in the entire game, which makes it, potentially, the fastest basic Pokémon as well. It is useful if you want to deal damage early on while you attach energies to other Pokémon in your bench. As a result, most times, your Farfetch'd will be knocked out mid-game.
To mitigate this, this list includes Marshadow, and its attack, Revenge. This attack states that, "if one of your Pokémon were Knocked Out by damage from an attack during your opponent's last turn, this attack does 60 more damage". In total, if you meet this condition, you'll deal 100 damage with this attack.
This entire deck centers around this effect - you sacrifice your Farfetch'd to then deal 100 damage to the enemy Pokémon immediately after.
If everything goes wrong, you'll still have Hitmonlee to knock our Pokémon on your opponent's bench.
Exeggutor + Serperior

This deck, by Dejf19, got 1st place at The Dark League NOEX tournament, hosted by The Dark League. It won 10 matches and only lost 1.
Mythical Island brought us an extremely interesting Exeggutor that deals a lot of damage and has a lot of HP for a Pokémon. It only has 1 evolution, but it is also quite difficult to set up, as you'll need 4 energies to attack with it.
Fortunately, this same set also brought us the Serperior evolution line, whose ability doubles the Grass energies attached to a Grass Pokémon. This means that 2 energies will be enough to deal more than 80 damage with your Exeggutor.
If your opponent has one energy attached, you'll deal 100 damage. If they have two energies attached, you'll deal 120 damage, with 3, you'll deal 140 damage, and so on and so forth.
This deck is strong even in other formats, and is already dominating the ranked queue. The only deck that is more popular than this one in the ranked queue is its optimized version with Celebi ex.
This is one of the most efficient NOEX lists around, and, because how unpopular Blaine lists are nowadays, Exeggutor took this format by assault and quickly became one of the best decks around.
Golem + Dugtrio + Brock

This deck, by TUBZ, got 1st place at The Dark League NOEX tournament, hosted by The Dark League. It won 9 matches and only lost 2.
This is the most classic version of NOEX's Golem archetype. However, to make the most out of your Pokémon's effects and attacks, you'll have to hit your coin tosses, so you'll need a bit of luck to play it well.
Like other Golem decks, this deck also uses this Pokémon as its main weapon, but it also includes a few other different support Pokémon.
Dugtrio's evolution line is already quite popular in the NOEX format, and this Pokémon may, potentially, become unbeatable mid-game because of its effect, which makes it immune to damage if you get heads. In exchange, this Pokémon only deals 40 damage, and, considering it is an evolution Pokémon, this is quite weak.
This list's tank Pokémon is Kangaskhan, which is the most powerful frontline basic Pokémon, as it can deal up to 60 damage.
Novo Dragonite Stall

This list, by Harian, got 2nd place at the $30 FoxCave Holiday Tournament. It won 9 matches and only lost 2.
It is a new version of the Dragonite Stall archetype, and includes many new cards.
The first is Druddigon, the new frontline basic Pokémon. It is perhaps the best card in the entire game for this role, and goes really well with this list's main gameplan. After all, Druddigon deals damage passively to your opponent when it is attacked.
As you can't pick which Pokémon Dragonite will hit, try to use its attack when your opponent's Pokémon, both Benched and active, are already damaged. This way, you'll be able to knock them out more easily, and Druddigon will be great in this strategy.
As this is a Stall deck, the main idea is to absorb enemy damage. In this case, we'll use Butterfree to heal our other Pokémon.
This list also includes a Dedenne so you can Paralyze your opponent, and delay them even more.
Final Words
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