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The MTGMelee platform accidentally made the lists available during this Tuesday morning, three days ...
news worlds magic
Thiago NileDeath
Today we'll talk about the three pillars of Innistrad Standard: Mono-Green Aggro, Mono-White Aggro a...
aggro standard innistrad
If Faeries is Pauper's best deck, what strategies can we use to exploit its weaknesses, and which de...
faeries pauper analysis metagam
Gabriel Nunes
Today, we'll talk about Jund, which constantly changed since Modern's inception and is still present...
modern jund competitive
While you can buy packs if you like, you can start stronger than everyone else in ARENA if you know ...
news arena code free
Divinity Of Philosophy
With its arrival to mobiles, Pokémon Unite has exploded in popularity in the last week. In this arti...
mobile pokemon unite
Pedro Braga
In this article, we present some new decks trying to make the best use of some Innistrad: Midnight H...
modern decks innistrad
Royale SuperCup is at the door! 10 teams will participate in this edition that brings 1,000 TIX in a...
pauper supercup tournament teams
After a decade as the format's most iconic creature and the pillar of a deck that defines the Metaga...
legacy analysis delver
Pai Gow Poker combines the elements of the ancient Chinese game of Pai Gow and the American game of ...
paigow pko gamble
This article is for you who have difficulty dealing with combos at Commander tables. And, in this ar...
commander mtg edh strategy
We investigated and here are some of the early video games that included card minigames as an integr...
card games curiosity
This article talks about the current state of Historic after Innistrad: Midnight Hunt.
historic review innistrad
Pirates Aggro is a deck that has dominated the meta in several seasons, and even in those where it d...
decktech pirates aggro guide
A new addition from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt might bring Arclight Phoenix back into the competitive ...
modern phoenix challenge
Check out all the art of the rarest cards of Fusion Strike, set that will be released in November th...
Fusion Strike Sword Shield Special Hiper
This week, we see which decks came up in the first post-rotation week, plus Delver's appearance on P...
metagame analysis standard pioneer legacy
In this article, I explain why Faeries will (almost) always be Pauper's best deck.
faeries pauper metagame