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Innistrad Championship's Top 8 Standard & Historic Decklists

Innistrad Championship's Top 8 Standard & Historic Decklists


After fifteen swiss rounds, eight players will dispute for Innistrad Championship's title today, in ...

news innistrad championship top 8

Modern: Grixis Shadow, Optimization and Tempo

Modern: Grixis Shadow, Optimization and Tempo

Gabriel Nunes

In today's article, we will take a closer look at Grixis Death's Shadow, which combines the classic ...

modern competitive grixis shadow

cEDH Deck Guide: Toxrill, the Corrosive

cEDH Deck Guide: Toxrill, the Corrosive

Felipe Torres

This article brings a Toxrill, the Corrosive control deck for cEDH, one of the most interesting crea...

cEDH vow commander

Upgrading the Crimson Vow Commander Deck: Vampiric Bloodline

Upgrading the Crimson Vow Commander Deck: Vampiric Bloodline

Vinicius Sorin

Today, I present some upgrades for the Vampiric Bloodline commander deck, which uses Blood tokens to...

commander vampires crimson vow

Commander Deck Tech: Donal, Herald of Wings

Commander Deck Tech: Donal, Herald of Wings

Eduardo Silveira

This deck's proposal is a Bounce House that controls the board while developing its position, utiliz...

commander deck tech crimson vow

Standard: Izzet Control - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Standard: Izzet Control - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Thiago NileDeath

Today, I bring you a guide for Standard's Izzet Control, with a sideboard guide for the format's cur...

deck tech standard izzet

Modern: MTG Vegas - Top 8 Decks Analysis

Modern: MTG Vegas - Top 8 Decks Analysis

Gabriel Nunes

In today's article, let's take a closer look at the Top 8 decks of MTG Vegas in Swiss order, which t...

modern mtgvegas metagame

Innistrad: Crimson Vow's Impact on competitive formats

Innistrad: Crimson Vow's Impact on competitive formats


Let's check here which Innistrad 2.0 cards are appearing in the winning decks of the metagame in Sta...

standard arena modern legacy

Commander Deck Tech: Malcolm & Tana

Commander Deck Tech: Malcolm & Tana

Felipe Torres

This budget Malcolm / Tana deck is focused on winning the game as quickly as possible with two-card ...

edh commander decktech

Standard Tribal Decklists with Crimson Vow

Standard Tribal Decklists with Crimson Vow

Thiago NileDeath

Today, I bring you some Standard tribal decks with Innistrad: Crimson Vow, such as Vampires, Wolves ...

tribal aggro standard vow

Modern Belcher - Deck Analysis + Sideboard Guide

Modern Belcher - Deck Analysis + Sideboard Guide

Gabriel Nunes

In this article, we talk about Modern's Charbelcher and how it reappeared to put some good results o...

modern belcher metagame

Commander Deck Tech: Runo Stromkirk

Commander Deck Tech: Runo Stromkirk

Eduardo Silveira

This Runo Stromkirk deck runs a self-mill strategy to take full advantage of Krothuss, Lord of the D...

innistrad dimir commander mill

Upgrading Precon Commander Deck: Spirit Squadron (Millicent, Restless Revenant)

Upgrading Precon Commander Deck: Spirit Squadron (Millicent, Restless Revenant)

Vinicius Sorin

Tips and upgrades for the Spirit Squadron preconstructed deck, which creates plenty of tokens and tr...

commander edh upgrade

Pauper Elves: Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper Elves: Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Gabriel Willis

In this guide, I present everything you need to know about how to play with Elves in Pauper, includi...

comptitive pauper elves

Standard Decklists with Innistrad: Crimson Vow

Standard Decklists with Innistrad: Crimson Vow

Thiago NileDeath

Today, I bring you some updated Standard decklists with Innistrad: Crimson Vow and analyze how they ...

innistrad aggro control crimson vow

Pioneer Deck Analysis: Selesnya Humans

Pioneer Deck Analysis: Selesnya Humans


In today's article, we dissect Selesnya Humans, Pioneer's new deck that made two places in last week...

selesnya humans pioneer

Magic Colors Guide: Names and Color Combinations

Magic Colors Guide: Names and Color Combinations


There are 32 possible color combinations for Magic: The Gathering. Do you know all of them?

mtg colors multicolored monocolored

Top 5 Innistrad: Crimson Vow cards for Modern

Top 5 Innistrad: Crimson Vow cards for Modern

Pedro Braga

In this article, we analyze the five best cards from Innistrad: Crimson Vow for Modern!

modern top 5 innistrad

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