Legends of Runeterra

Deck Guide

LoR: Top 5 Decklists for the First Few Days in Patch 4.10.0

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Are you a bit lost in Legends of Runeterra's new patch, patch 4.10? Well, don't worry, because in this article I'll bring the 5 best lists for the first few days of the new patch, so no one is left behind!

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tradotto da Joey

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rivisto da Tabata Marques

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  1. > Top 5 Best Decklists for the First Few Days of Patch 4.10.0
  2. > Introduction
  3. > Kayn Aatrox
  4. > Deep
  5. > Jinx Ekko
  6. > Jax Ornn
  7. > Janna Demacia
  8. > Final Words

Top 5 Best Decklists for the First Few Days of Patch 4.10.0

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With the arrival of patch 4.10, several cards were changedlink outside website, and the whole meta will change too. As a result, I come bring you a guide on the 5 best decks which will pop off in the first few days of patch 4.10, so you can keep up with Legends of Runeterra's new meta.


Kayn Aatrox

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Kayn's spell was generously buffed in this patch, and as this list was already starting popping up in the meta, it is easy to say this deck will also show up on the first day.

This list answers other Midrange lists and aggressive decks really well as it is an archetype which can heal, Frostbite and remove enemy units. Considering many players will be testing out new things in the first few days, this list can easily punish adventurous deckbuilders.


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Deep now has the best 4-cost unit in the entire game: Megatusk. This follower now has 5 health, which is enough to survive any attack from any unit in the entire meta.

The Deep list, just like Kayn Aatrox, was nearly hitting viable numbers in the meta, just a few pushes away for that to happen. After this patch's buffs, this archetype will finally be able to return for good.

Jinx Ekko

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Called Shot got an adjustment that looks more like a buff: this spell now has Focus speed. That makes all Ekko lists better, considering they have this spell by default as this spell is Ekko's signature spell. Now we have a reason to bring Called Shot in the main deck, once this particular list is one of the few lists which can actually use Parallel Convergence's effect without much issue.

Another reason Jinx Ekko lists will be quite strong in the meta is the fact this deck escaped all nerfs, and was already extremely strong and popular last meta.

Jax Ornn

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Jax Ornn only got one nerf, which was the Innovative Blacksmith nerf. But this card already wasn't that popular in this particular archetype, which means, at the end of the day, Jax lists won't change much.

And to make everything better for fans of this archetype, Omen Hawk is now a unit that can block Elusives. As it was already a popular unit in these lists, that will reinforce even more this list's stay in the meta.

Out of all Midrange lists which remain in the meta, this is undoubtedly the best one. That is because even if Warden of the Tribes lists were nerfed, they will still be around, as they'll still be strong decks - and as Jax Ornn defeats these Warden decks, you'll always have a good advantage against anything in the meta.

Janna Demacia

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Janna's list with Demacia won the last Runeterra Open tournament, and is, by far, one of the best decks in Standard currently. This deck is extremely strong and consistent with their card draws and early game offensive resources.


Even though this list was nerfed this patch, with Exalted Cloudwinder nerfed, this nerf won't be enough to end Janna's sovereign in the ranked queue and tournaments as well.

Final Words

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If you've read this far, now you know which are the 5 best decks for the first few days of patch 4.10.

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