Pokemon TCG


Pokémon TCG: Top 10 Most Expensive Rainbow Pokémon in Sword/Shield

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In this article, check out the 10 most expensive Rainbow Pokémon in Sword/Shield, from its base set to its very last set!

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에 의해 번역 Joey

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에 의해 검토 Tabata Marques

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  1. > Top 10 Most Expensive Rainbow Pokémon in Sword/Shield
    1. 10 - Mewtwo VStar (Sword/Shield: Pokémon GO)
    2. 9 - Mew VMax (Sword/Shield: Fusion Strike)
    3. 8 - Glaceon VMax (Sword/Shield: Evolving Skies)
    4. 7 - Charizard VStar (Sword/Shield: Brilliant Stars)
    5. 6 - Snorlax VMax (Sword/Shield: Base Set)
    6. 5 - Sylveon VMax (Sword/Shield: Evolving Skies)
    7. 4 - Umbreon VMax (Sword/Shield: Evolving Skies)
    8. 3 - Rayquaza VMax (Sword/Shield: Evolving Skies)
    9. 2 - Pikachu VMax (Sword/Shield: Vivid Voltage)
    10. 1 - Charizard VMax (Sword/Shield: Champion's Path)
  2. > Final Words

In this article, we'll discuss the beginning of 2024's second semester. Currently, only 1/3rd of Sword/Shield (which will be rotated next year) is still valid in Standard. Most of the cards we'll show you have already left this format, and are great treasures for any collector.

Top 10 Most Expensive Rainbow Pokémon in Sword/Shield

10 - Mewtwo VStar (Sword/Shield: Pokémon GO)

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We'll start with one of the most beloved legendary Pokémon, Mewtwo, which, unfortunately, didn't see much play in Standard competitively when it was released.


Even though players tried making it work with Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX ASR TG30, Arceus VSTAR CRZ GG70, and Cresselia EVS 228, this Mewtwo can only really deal a limited amount of damage.

Price: US$27.50.

9 - Mew VMax (Sword/Shield: Fusion Strike)

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This Mew VMax marked the "second phase" of the Sword/Shield block. At this time, the meta was entirely dominated by its archetype, and it showed up multiple times in the top rankings of big tournaments.

This consistent streak only lasted until the end of the April 2024 rotation, which proved that, even as it reached its last days in Standard, this deck was relevant. It eventually forced players to include "counter" Pokémon like Drapion V LOR 118 and Tyranitar V PR-SW SWSH109, in Lugia VSTAR SIT 211 lists in particular.

Price: US$36.29.

8 - Glaceon VMax (Sword/Shield: Evolving Skies)

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Eeveelutions are usually great collector's pieces, and this was definitely true for Sword/Shield eeveelutions as well. However, very few of them had their own Rainbow version - like Glaceon VMAX EVS 208.

In Standard, it was essential as a "tech" against other VMax Pokémon because of its ability. With Arceus VSTAR CRZ GG70, and even Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR CRZ GG67, to a point, it was an interesting choice.

Price: US$38.23.

7 - Charizard VStar (Sword/Shield: Brilliant Stars)

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Of course, we had to include at least one Charizard on our list, as it is one of the most popular Pokémon. Its commercial accolades speak for their own.

Unfortunately, it didn't stand out too much in Standard competitively and needed Arceus VSTAR CRZ GG70 for its setup, as well as Charizard PGO 10 to double all your Basic Fire Energy sv3 230.

However, it did incredibly well in Expanded. It was an excellent attacker for anyone who likes dealing damage fast because of its first attack, and its VStar attack was even more destructive.

Price: US$41.69.

6 - Snorlax VMax (Sword/Shield: Base Set)

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This is another Pokémon that gained a lot from the nostalgia around it. Like most Kanto favorites, we started running out of this Snorlax as soon as the Sword/Shield's Base Set products ran out.

When it was introduced in Standard in 2019, it was great to deal damage according to how many Pokémon you have in your bench. At the time, we could use Triple Acceleration Energy UNB 234, which helped us set it up faster and thus attack faster as well. It also had a lot of HP for the time (340), so it was difficult to knock it out with a single attack.

In Expanded, it is extremely strong because you can play it with Sky Field ROS 89.

Price: US$44.

5 - Sylveon VMax (Sword/Shield: Evolving Skies)

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We have another eeveelution on our list, this time the "Fairy" eeveelution. Indeed, this type was extinct by the Pokémon Company in this block, and was eventually replaced by the Psychic type.


Competitively, it didn't see a lot of play (either in Standard or Expanded), and mostly made it into our list because the fans just love it so much.

Price: US$45.02.

4 - Umbreon VMax (Sword/Shield: Evolving Skies)

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This is a favorite among favorites, namely, eeveelutions. Umbreon VMAX EVS 214 was crucial for the meta in 2022/2023 because, back then, the game was dominated by Psychic Pokémon, like Mew VMAX LOR TG30.

Umbreon VMAX EVS 214 was always the secondary attacker alongside Arceus VSTAR CRZ GG70 in the iconic deck named by many as "ULD" (Umbreon VMAX EVS 95, Lucario VSTAR PR-SW SWSH214 e Duraludon VMAX EVS 123 - an answer to the meta at the time).

Furthermore, its ability was extremely strong, as it was a sort of built-in Boss's Orders BRS 132 as soon as you evolved it from your hand, which was great for certain plays.

It is one of the three eeveelutions that have Rainbow versions.

Price: US$45.87.

3 - Rayquaza VMax (Sword/Shield: Evolving Skies)

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Coming up in our third place, we have the legendary Pokémon from Hoenn which protects the planet's Ozone layer: Rayquaza VMAX EVS 217, the iconic climate change dragon.

It wasn't actually viable in Standard at the time, and didn't actually make it into any "tier list" consistently, but it is overall strong in Expanded. In Expanded, we can use cards like Basic Fire Energy sv3 230 and Basic Lightning Energy sv1 257 to set it up and attack with it.

Price: US$49.17.

2 - Pikachu VMax (Sword/Shield: Vivid Voltage)

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In our second place, we have the franchise's main character, Pikachu VMAX VIV 188.

It wasn't strong in Standard competitively when it was released, but, in Expanded, it is quite easy to set it up as your attacker if you like this archetype.

It is also a part of the Vivid Voltage set and was greatly sought after by collectors, like all other Pikachu - Pikachu VMAX VIV 44, for instance.

Price: US$122.25.

1 - Charizard VMax (Sword/Shield: Champion's Path)

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In Standard, competitively speaking, this Charizard is terrible. Even though its last attack is a bit nice as it deals 300 damage, it took too long to set up, unlike Reshiram & Charizard-GX PR-SM SM201.

In Expanded, however, it is incredibly strong, as we have more ways to support the Fire archetype and thus, use it as best as we can.

It is also quite rare, as it only came in a special product, the first special set in this block, called "Champion's Path". You could only get it if you bought one of the products below:

ETB: Champion’s Path and Gym Leader: Special Mini Boxes

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Special Box: Marnie com Morpeko & Grimmsnarl / Bea & Allister

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Price: US$180.25.


Final Words

What did you think of this list? Which are your favorite Rainbow Pokémon? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below!

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!