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Eduardo Silveira
In this article we'll end the myth that white decks don't draw cards. The past notwithstanding, nowa...
Card Draw WW Commander EDH Mono White
If you were to say that White Weenie is one of the best Pauper decks in 2024, many would think it wa...
Pauper Mono White Aggro Deck Guide
In today's article, we delve deeper into Mono White Poison, a deck that stood out in the Standard Qu...
Standard Toxic Deck Guide
In this article, we'll have a sideboard and a deck guide for Mono-White Humans in Explorer. Learn ho...
explorer Humans mono white deck guide
Raphael Martinez
In this article, we will explore Pioneer's Mono White Aggro, the closer the format has of Death and ...
Pioneer Mono White Deck Guide
Legacy has a new contender! After devastating Pauper, Initiative has arrived in the format and is ta...
Legacy Initiative Deck Tech
Tiago Fuguete
Is Mono White Heroic a deck to have fun with, or can it still stay strong in the format? Let's asses...
pauper heroic deck guide
Favored Hoplite was just what was needed to make Mono White Heroic a viable and accessible option in...
heroic budget arena explorer