

Ethics and Etiquette in Online Poker

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You can't deny the fun that can be had playing poker online. Having said that, you should play the game well and follow certain simple rules. This makes sure that everyone has a good time and is treated equally at the virtual tables.

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revisado por Daniel Linhares

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Here are some things to keep in mind while playing poker onlinelink outside website:


Follow the rules

Players need to respect the rules that each poker site has established. To ensure that all players enjoy consistent, fair, and enjoyable gaming, the rules have been established. Respecting the rules of the game and your fellow players requires you to do just that.

Pay attention

Staying focused and not getting sidetracked is of the utmost importance. If your mind wanders, you could miss crucial plays or make foolish mistakes. Plus, it's only courteous to pay attention to the other people at your virtual table.


Bankroll management is everything

Steer clear of playing for stakes that are far more than you have available. You may avoid becoming bankrupt and making hasty judgments by practising efficient money management. Have fun but within your means.

Be respectful

Always be kind and respectful to the other players, regardless of your current situation. Be modest and don't bloat excessively about a large pot you've won. Additionally, if you're the one dropping that session, don't make fun of or disrespect other people. Remember, people—this is all just a game!

Stick to the limits

You must adhere to the minimum and maximum stakes stated by each online table. Certain players may unfairly benefit by exceeding or falling short of the mark.

Look for any unfair play

If you notice anyone cheating, colluding with others, or just being straight-up abusive, report them to the poker site admins. Catching those cheaters helps keep the games fair and enjoyable.

Learn from your mistakes

Nobody plays a perfect game. If you make a mistake, don't get all heated and blame others. Instead, use it as a learning experience to improve your game going forward.


No colluding or cheating

Colluding by working together with another player to give someone an unfair edge is a huge no-no that ruins the integrity of the game. The same goes for cheating by using prohibited tools or sharing hole card info.

Don't talk rubbish

A little friendly chit-chat is okay, but constantly rambling on or trash-talking is just gonna slow everything down and distract from the core gameplay. Let people focus and play.

No slow rolling

Slow rolling by intentionally pausing before revealing your winning hand, just to irk your opponents? Yeah, that's some seriously rude and disrespectful behaviour right there. Don't do it.

Don't go emoji/emoticon crazy

Using the occasional emoji or emoticon is okay, but don't spam them repeatedly or annoy them.

Don't stall the game

Make your moves and decisions at a reasonable pace. Intentionally stalling and delaying just slows everything down and frustrates your opponents at the table.

Don’t share your strategy during play

Never chat about strategy or advise players while a hand is still being played out. That kind of info could unfairly influence how the outcome plays out.

Keep your cool

Online poker can get super tense sometimes but don't take it overboard. Remember verbal abuse, threats, or just overwhelming hostility toward opponents is crossing a major line.

One account per customer

Creating multiple accounts is usually against the rules and allows players to bypass restrictions. Just stick to one single account.

Stick to these basic online poker dos and don'ts, and you'll be doing your part to make the experience better for everyone at the virtual tables. Be a respectful player that others genuinely enjoy having around. Most importantly, have some fun and enjoy the games! Poker's meant to be an entertaining pastime, so keep that light-hearted spirit alive, folks.
