
Deck Guide

Hearthstone Grandmasters: Learn to Play with decks used by the Champion

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"Páscoa" was crowned winner of Hearthstone Grandmasters Americas this weekend. Check out the decks that the Brazilian used in this incredible achievement.

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被某某人翻译 Pedro Fernandes

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审核人 Tabata Marques

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  1. > Deck Tech: The 4 decks used by the Champion
  2. > Quest Rogue
    1. Overview
    2. Mulligan
  3. > Rally Priest
    1. Overview
    2. Mulligan
  4. > Buff Paladin
    1. Overview
    2. Mulligan
  5. > Beast Druid
    1. Overview
    2. Mulligan

Deck Tech: The 4 decks used by the Champion

This weekend Grandmasters Americas ended, and for the first time in history we had a Brazilian champion, he will represent the continent in the World Championship! In the Final, “Páscoa” easily beat the yet undefeated “GamerRVG” (United States) 3-0.

He used all four decks on this list from the start of the Playoffs to the grand final, winning against "Frozen" (United States), "Fled" (Brazil), "Dimitrikazov" (Argentina) and the final against "GamerRVG" (United States).


Quest Rogue

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Quest Rogue is a deck that has never been used much, but has always been well placed on the tier lists. It's a very fun deck to play, but I recommend it to the more experienced.


The deck works through the Find the Imposter quest and the SI:7 cards. It's a midrange deck, you want to build a good table and generate a lot of resource with the quest and its rewards.

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As already mentioned, the deck builds a good table with minions, so count on several 2 and 3 cost minions. SI:7 Smuggler and SI:7 Agent are great examples of cards that can compete the board easily.

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Also worth mentioning is Tenwu of the Red Smoke, which returns a minion to your hand for only 1 cost. His preference is to use the Sarno that your mission generates as a final reward, to generate even more value with it, but if that's not possible, you can use it on a SI:7 Smuggler or SI:7 Assassin.

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Your win conditions are the minions Mr. Smite and Battleground Battlemaster, which increases (a lot) your damage potential in a single turn.

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You can also use Tenwu of the Red Smoke on Mr. Smite to find a surprising lethal.


The deck doesn't contain as many spells, but they are all extremely important! The Find the Imposter quest is the base of the deck and its main source of resources.

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Secret Passage and Swindle are deck draws, they are essential to draw some salvation in those turns when you are stuck.

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SI:7 Extortion is for quest progress, as well as being a great early game removal, helping a lot with board competition. Another key spell is Shadowstep, which has the same objective as the minion Tenwu of the Red Smoke.

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This deck's mulligan doesn't contain many secrets, keep the 2 and 3 cost minions, and if you're facing a very aggressive deck, look for SI:7 Extortion and the weapon Blackwater Cutlass.

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Rally Priest

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Priest Rally is very similar to Priest Miracle, a very difficult deck to play, but it can bring many wins for the most patient.


Basically, its purpose is to summon the minions Sethekk Veilweaver and Nazmani Bloodweaver over and over, in addition to abusing the effect of these cards to generate lots of spells in your hand and discount them.

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Sethekk Veilweaver is very important to generate many resources for you, with her on the field you will always have cards!

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The Nazmani Bloodweaver is about to discount all these spells that the previous minion creates, allowing you to do amazing and miraculous turns for always being with low price cards. You also want to buff this minion and finish the game with it, we'll talk about this win condition later.


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Finally, Drek'thar is in the deck to help with multiple Summoning the other two minions. He will be able to save his game when these minions are not in his hand.

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Priest Rally contains MANY spells, let's explain the functions of the most fundamental spells.

Raise Dead and Rally! are more ways to re-summon the deck's minions, and are literally perfect for this deck.

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Here we find many spells of

buff, such as Shadow Word: Devour, Power Word: Feast and Psyche Split that should be used on Nazmani Bloodweaver. To end the game count on the Bless spell, which will greatly increase the minion's attack.

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Palm Reading is great for increasing discounts!

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The deck also contains some healing, silencing, and removal sources as a good control deck.

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The mulligan in this deck depends a lot on the match you find yourself in, but generally look for the two minions and Palm Reading or Thrive in the Shadows to discover other spells.

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Buff Paladin

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Buff Paladin is the easiest on this list, I recommend it to everyone from Bronze to Legend!


The purpose of the deck is to buff your minions and win with a massive table. You can also count on the heroine Lightforged Cariel to defend yourself.

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The deck contains several low-cost minions like Righteous Protector and Irondeep Trogg, to start with the buffs for the first few turns.

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Alliance Bannerman and Stonehearth Vindicator are great sources of purchase, Alliance Bannerman also brings an area buff to all minions in hand.

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Sunwing Squawker can grow huge with just your Battlecry, use it wisely!

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For removals, you will have Cariel Roame, Blademaster Samuro and the heroine Lightforged Cariel. The last two being removals in area.

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Your win condition will be the minions Mr. Smite and the Battleground Battlemaster

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The deck contains only buff spells, they are Hand of A'dal, Noble Mount, Hold the Bridge and Blessing of Authority.

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In your starting hand, you want at least a 1 and 3-cost minion, along with a 2-cost spell. It's your best possible curve.

Beast Druid

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Another easy deck on this list is Beast Druid, one of the most aggressive in the game that promises to win games quickly. It is worth mentioning that it was the most banned deck of Páscoa, opponents were very afraid to face it.



As already mentioned, it is an extremely aggressive and fast deck, you want to fill your board with as many beasts as possible, and strengthen them with various spells that the list offers.


Most of the minions in this deck are 1-cost, so start by putting a lot of pressure on your opponent. Druid of the Reef, Vibrant Squirrel and Irondeep Trogg are great examples.

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The deck also has the Oracle of Elune, which can duplicate all 2-cost or less minions you play. Definitely one of the stars of the deck.

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The other stars on the list are Frostsaber Matriarch and Umbral Owl, even though they have a high cost, with discounts can be as low as 2 or less, being doubled by Oracle of Elune.

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Here you will see a lot of buff spells, mainly in area, like Arbor Up, Power of the Wild and Pride's Fury. These cards are your main win condition!

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Thorngrowth Sentries and Frostwolf Kennels are essential tools to fill your table with minions.

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A big problem with aggressive lists is having few cards in your hand, a deck like this quickly uses up all resources until you run out of gas. To avoid this use Composting which can draw up to 7 cards.

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With Beast Druid you want as many 1-cost minions as possible, as well as Thorngrowth Sentries and Frostwolf Kennels to put pressure on your opponent.

Oracle of Elune is also great for your starting hand, already thinking about doubling your minions in later turns.

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That's it for today! If you have any questions, just comment so we can talk better, hugs!