As we've now seen two rotations after Dreamlit Paths was released, we already know, clearly, which cards from this set are good and which ones are bad.
Today, we'll discuss not only the worst cards, but also the most forgotten cards from this set!
Brynhir Thundersong

Brynhir was created for this set specifically through Riot's Community Kitchen project. After several rounds of voting, Brynhir made it out of the process and was the follower "created" by the LoR community for the game.
Unfortunately, as much as, in theory, she has everything the community wants in a card, her effect is so specific that, to this day, we weren't able to find a competitive way (or just a way in general), to make her work.
Unlike other Freljord cards, she doesn't have good enough stats, or an interesting effect that you can use in a regular match. Even if you manage to use her effect successfully, if you really stop to think about it, it would probably be easier to play that unit from your hand instead of turning it into a landmark.
The idea behind playing a unit for "free" through a landmark is quite interesting, but, in practice, it is just a bit too weak. Many cards that destroy landmarks are meta right now, both in Eternal and Standard, and that's only one of the reasons why this card doesn't see much play.
Glacial Fell

This spell was considered one of the most promising spells for Udyr's archetype, but then he was rotated as soon as Dreamlit Paths came out.
Now that Udyr is back from rotation, we still can't use this card, as Galio has rotated to Eternal!
So, I wouldn't say this card is necessarily bad, it is just tied to a very specific deck in a relatively old meta - that is, Galio Udyr.
This deck isn't too strong in Eternal right now, and that's why we also don't see Glacial Fell in this format.
It seems like everything is plotting against this card. I hope that, in the next rotation, we can play this spell, as it has been, at this point, waiting for us for nearly 6 months.
Veiled Blessings

The Spirit archetype was only popular in the first few weeks of Dreamlit paths, and soon everyone realized that Spirits is neither that strong nor competitive.
The three regions that support this archetype are Demacia, Bandle City, and Targon, but Targon, in particular, only got a few cards as support for this game style, and Veiled Blessings is one of them.
As you must imagine, considering neither Demacia nor Bandle City managed to make the Spirit archetype work, obviously Targon also didn't. In fact, we never even got to see a Targon Spirit list.
As it happens, we saw no popular deck that used this mechanic and played Targon, not even while Targon was available in Standard.
Even though you can easily play this card outside its main archetype, it is still too "weak" when compared to the other protection spells we have available in Eternal and Standard. Sky Splitter and Form Up! do practically the same as Veiled Blessings, but for less mana, and in better regions.
In the end, this card just costs one mana more than it should, and that's enough to push it out of all lists that came up ever since it was released.
Forgotten Artifact

Indeed, Forgotten Artifact was rightfully forgotten. This is one of those cards you don't even remember what it does, and, as its artwork is also quite generic, you often mix up its effect with the effects of other, more known, cards.
As it goes, this spell is actually from Demacia, and its artwork depicts the inside of a Mageseeker vault, where there are several Shuriman artifacts - it is a bit confusing.
If you really look at it, this spell's effect isn't that weak: you'll summon a Sandstone Charger and give Challenger to all your allies that turn. However, in practice, it is a bit too expensive and sometimes redundant for what Demacia decks want to do throughout the match.
Nowadays, Demacia doesn't really set up extensive boards; instead, we mostly focus our resources on 2 or 3 units on the board, which, in turn, probably already have Challenger. As for swarm decks, like Scout decks, giving Challenger to all your units can be quite useful, but, as we mentioned, you'll most likely already have units with Challenger. You'll likely prefer to spend six mana on something else besides just summoning a Sandstone Charger.
Forgotten Artifact's effect, then, is just a tad mediocre. It is redundant and not really impactful throughout your matches, once Demacia has no issues pulling blockers away.
6 mana is also a lot of mana.

In the last year or so, Kharox had definitely one of the most interesting illustrations in LoR. It is really similar to the artworks from the Foundations set, which all had a more "serious" tone.
That being said, his artwork doesn't match, at all, his effect, which supports Illaoi's archetype indirectly.
We can say he is an Illaoi unit, as his effect mentions Tentacles, but, in reality, he isn't. His effect is somewhat not what Illaoi decks want to do, as these lists focus on protecting their units instead of letting them die.
Kharox earned a spot in our list because, besides never seeing play in any deck, he was also just rotated. This means he is one of the few cards from Dreamlit Paths which were rotated to Eternal. The other cards, however, were at least strong, or saw play in a meta deck, like The Candlelit Prayer.
Players who reviewed the new cards from Dreamlit Paths and posted these reviews online for all the community to see in general reviewed Kharox incredibly low, and he had one of the worst overall ratings. He was probably considered the weakest card in Dreamlit Paths by many players.
This says a lot about this follower, who practically didn't do anything in the last rotation, and is also not interesting for Eternal. He'll most likely hang around for a while in our collections too, without a deck to call his own, as Riot is no longer focusing on PvP.
Unfortunately, he also doesn't have strong stats, so even if he does get buffed (which is unlikely, now that he rotated out of Standard), I don't believe he'd see more play, particularly as his effect is so weird. His effect, honestly, doesn't make sense with any deck that exists or has ever existed in the game, and that's why he is one of the most forgotten cards from Dreamlit Paths.
Final Words

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