Cast Down is now legal in Pauper. It's ability reads: 'Destroy target nonlegendary creature.', what essentially means it destroys almost any creature in Pauper. However, did you know that Pauper has legendary creatures? I'll show them to you in this article.
Before that, I need to provide some context. In June of 1994 Legends was released and it was on this collection that legends were created. 'Legends' are unique permanents which represent important characters, objects and places in the lore of Magic. Only one legend with an unique name may exist on a side of the battlefield at any moment, and later it was replaced by the supertype "Legendary".
Legends also brought multicoloured cards and all of them were legends. With that many legends, some of them were printed on the common rarity, which on that type weren't represented with any symbol and it was defined only by the higher frequency of these cards on the print sheet and through codes like "C1" and C2", where commons "C2" were printed twice as much as "C1".
Now, let's meet these common legends of Magic and discover their stories.

Barktooth Warbeard was Marshall Barktooth, an old soldier of kentsu, the Madara army controlled by Bolas. He lead the occupation force in Kusho, but was killed and replaced by the shapeshifter Halfdane, which had received orders from his master Ramses Overdark to infiltrate in Kentsu while he planned the fall of his emperor Nicol Bolas.

Jedit Ojanen was a cat warrior which has a very adventurous nature. He travelled the world searching for his father, Jaeger, which lead him to a conflict with the wizard Johan, which was responsible for the death of Jaeger. Jedit managed to avenge his father by killing Johan, although that cost him his own life.

Jerrard of the Closed Fist was a legendary knight, the last from the Order of the Closed Fist. His kingdom was on the Highlands of Kb'Briann, on the south of Benalia. After the appearance of Sheoltun and many other kingdoms, the Closed Fist fell and survived only through Jerrard, the powerful.

Lady Orca was known as a demon which presented herself in the form of a giant bald woman, which could survive grave wounds like being cut in half or decapitated, regenerating her form. She was born human and was a wizard, before being defeated by Ramses Overdark, which transformed her in a monster, being called a giant and a siege demon. Overdark sent Lady Orca to inspire terror on the rebels of the empire. She did that under the banner of Tetsuo Umezawa, as her master expected the rebels to blame Tetsuo, his greatest enemy, and killed him in retaliation. However, Orca was also prepared in case Tetsuo survived the rebels, which he did, proving his innocence and defeating Orca.

The great Ramirez DePietro is our first legend which not only has a story, but also has a very simple ability, first strike, which was something powerful for a creature in 1994. Ramirez DePietro was an extravagant pirate from Dominaria which sailed the seas around Jamuraa.

Besides his flavor 'Remember Sir Shandlar! Remember and stand firm!', nothing is known about Sir Shandlar of Eberyn on Magic's lore.

The story of Sivitri Scarzam comes from the time of the Thran Empire. Sivitri appeared on Dominaria (it is unknown whether she came from another plane or not) and attacked Corondor and its horde of dragons. Refugees, mainly farmers, started to unite to fight against them, but their weapons were useless. Eventually, a cleric found a new species of poppy which when transformed into a potion became a poison which could kill Scarzam's Dragons. Dozens of creatures were killed before Sivitri, raiding her dragon Scarzam, left Dominaria (also through unknown means). Many years later, Sol'Kanar tried to invoke Scarzam's dragons, with no success.

The Lady of the Mountain is a mysterious creature. Her baptism name was lost on the mists of time. Legend says that one day her silent vigil will end through the one which, pure of heart and spirit, will call for her name.

Tobias Andrion was the famous military manager of the Sheoltun Empire on Dominaria. He was essential to establish their military dominion over their neighbors on the first campaigns of Sheoltun. His most important feat was the mission to eliminate the organized piracy which before terrorized central Aerona. Although Sheoltun already controlled the continent with an iron fist before Tobias was born, the empire was still not established on the islands. He fought against the legendary pirates during three decades and destroyed even their most hidden fortresses, dominating the territory completely.

Torsten Von Ursus was originally a member of the legendary Knights of Jenges, coming from the country of Wrenna. After a fearsome wizard claimed the country's throne, he left the order and travelled southwest. He spent some time on the foot of the Hurloon Mountains and entered the land of the minotaurs to study the philosophy of these creatures for many years, discovering that minotaurs were more than just wild beasts. After that, he travelled further and reached the ruined city of Benfosa, which was the perfect place to use his accumulated knowledge and philosophy. Determined to transform Benfosa into his vision of an adequate nation, he founded Benalia (which means 'aspiration'), proclaiming his intention of reaching greatness to the world.
These are the legendary commons from Legends. Legendary cards printed as common came back on Homelands, as the first scoundrels of Magic.

Chandler was one of the most known rascals of Ulgrotha. He is a swindler which plotted through cities and villages since he was old enough to travel around the world's bridges. Born with a special talent for criminal hits, Chandler is obsessed by mechanical devices and loves to sell them (or destroy them, if they act as living creatures). His favorite target was the Wizard's School on the Floating Isle, where he stole keys which were useful to modify the mechanisms of mechanical creatures. While Chandler was free, no artifact creature was safe. Sometimes Chandler worked with Joven, the last legend on our list.

Joven was infamous in Ulgrotha. A master thief and liar, he could deal with even the most difficult situations. Joven earned a reputation which inspired fear to the merchants and respect from other bandits and thieves. He was known for stealing jewels and other valuable objects and sell them for a small profit. He was hunted by many private and public groups, although Joven was very careful not to offend or steal anyone who had resources to capture him.
Joven and his partner in crime Chandler fooled Eron the Relentless into giving them his valuable Ebony Rhino. Adding to this event the fact that Eron and Joven had a series of misunderstandings in the past, it wasn't a surprise that Eron swore that if he captured Joven his death would be even more legendary than his feats. However, this didn't stop the artifact thief to keep stealing.
These were the lore of the legendary creatures of Pauper. You will probably not use any of them while playing but, if you want to risk it, good luck.

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Ian • 03/09/20
InvoKando • 03/09/20