Choosing a champion in the game can be hard especially with so many champions over 169 to choose one. Furthermore, even the position of the champion has a huge impact on his success in this game.
Just because a champion is good on the top lane does not mean they will do great on the other lanes. Which is why it is relevant to analysis champions picks along with their strong features of specific positions. Finding this precise set of information can be much easier by looking at a League of Legends champions tier list. It’s worth mentioning that even though many champions are getting weakened and being adjusted through patches and nerfs, others remain at the top and help rapidly progress in League of Legends matchmaking rating.
Best Top Lane Champions

When selecting a top-lane champion, it is also crucial first to select based on two factors, survivability and the ability to pressure the opponents. So mostly champions with high damage output and the capacity to soak damage usually perform in this role.
Picking Darius for the top lane is sure to be an excellent decision. He is able to dominate the early game, soak up huge amounts of damage and since he is a strong melee, is always a force to be reckoned with. He is best suited in the hands of the aggressive users who can utilize his strong ults properly. Ambessa is quite an amazing champion too, she is beefy and deals quite an amount of damage. Thanks to her kit, she is able to take on a few aggressive champions and be effective during the team fights, which is quite good if you solo queue as her win rate is 51.04%.
Mordekaiser is also worth recognizing because he is perhaps one of the most tankiest champions available in the top lane. Realm of Death along with his passive and ult enable him to deal and take damage and to a considerable degree even the two said abilities make him last in prolonged fights quite well. Mordekaiser is however capable of getting out of sticky situations while his ultimate is capable of isolating foes, making them one shot targets who can’t cast any of their spell. This makes him perfect for players who want a champion who can take a lot of damage and has a decent control over the fight.
These champions can effectively push the lane and harass the enemy and force them to respond to their map pressure. Knowing how to master these champions will certainly give you an edge in the top lane where controlling the map is everything.
Top Jungle Champions

Junglers are of great help to several lanes all over the map as they do perform a mop up and help many different lanes at different times of the game which is very useful to the team. They are also required to be good farmers moving about clearing camps and ambushing foes. So if you're going for damage and cc, the higher the better picks go here.
Another notable jungler is Elise. She's one of the junglers with the most pick rates because she has the ability to shift into a spider and move or gank. This enables her to attack an unsuspecting enemy and assist her teammates in defending the lanes.
A game can’t be the same after Nocturne ULT, Paranoia, the changes this skill brings are a lot, enemies can be blind and more easy to attack, he does have skill-sneak attacks. He is well rounded in damage and control so he is great for most attacking teams.
Another jungler that you can use is Warwick. This champion is quite tanky due to the fact that life is restored when Hungering Strike is cast and consistently damage is dealt with Blood for Blood. His third ability, Infinite Duress, allows him to leap on the enemy and grab hold of them. Because of that, Warwick does ganking perfectly as he is an early game strong champion which allows his teammates to utilize his crowd control.
Junglers like Warwick with these abilities are able to dictate the game's tempo, create pressure on weaker lanes, isolate opponents, gank them and ensure that their team has an edge at the start.
Best Midlane Champions

The mid lane is regarded as one of the primary roles in the game for it is quite dynamic and has effects at all the phases of the match. Champions taking on this role must be hybrid as well and can be able to perform roles intended for the team and solo enemies with their skills and focus on different areas of the map.
Owing to her dealing enormous magical damage and controlling enemies with her spells, Vex has emerged as one of the most opted mid-lane champions. She is great against mobile heroes as she has the capability to single target enemies while zoning out and dealing damages to area.
Mobility for Akshan comes from engaging with his allies to quickly move around the map. He has a good set of skills that help him throughout the different phases of the game so he is a decent pick up.
Garen is able to perform reasonably well also in the mid lane. . Even though he is mostly assigned to the top lane, his attributes permit him to make it into the middle lane. With both his Decisive Strike and Judgment abilities, he is able to unleash enough damage. As Garen takes damage he disposes his ability by feeding wounds onto himself which activates his passive ability Perseverance making him stronger. He has an ultimate ability, Demacian Justice that has omnipotent power by even killing a single enemy combatant, could easily turn the tides of war.
Garen can also play as a hard solo characterized hero who is capable of beating numerous mid-lane champions even when his team’s coordination is lacking. When playing in such conditions, he deals significant amounts of damage whilst being a hardy tank which makes him dangerous when the his teammates push other lanes.
Best ADC Champions

In the bottom lane are the AD Carry or ADC champions who are the unleash damage as the later stages commies. The most significant thing about these champions is they have the ability to turn DPS to the highest level as well as having long range making them strengths in team fights.
Kog'Maw is still considered one of the best ADCs classes even in highest Elos due to the fact that his dps scales with the range. His consistent damage output towards the tanks and the late game fights makes him a favorite. Corki is an ADC who could do both magic as well as physical damage enabling him to fit within multiple team compositions as well as threats.
Swain isn’t exactly a go-to champion in the bot lane during the pick and ban stage. Nevertheless, there are situations where he can do more than ideally fill the ADC position. If anything, Invoke seems to be quite a useful skill considering that it is great against trees, but what is awesome is that it deals a lot of damage as well. Asieve has high damage but what’s more impressive is his Demonic Ascension ability that allows him to heal from enemies. All things considered, he is a potent threat in team battles as well having decent health and capability to clash in crucial battles. Towards the middle and end of the match, he is a very useful champion for his team.
Swain on the other hand, doesn’t have to worry about that as all this means he could counter many ADCs because Demonic Ascension allows him to survive long while dishing out consistent damage and toughening him in skirmishes.
Best Support Champions

Supports are the key to obtaining any objective while overpowering an enemy during a fight or a team battle. The chances of killing the towers and winning the team fights become very easy when the entire team is well guarded. Such tasks become impossible without enough support.
Combating contradictions, support is the least important role in the game. They add much needed protection to team members, without which securing or pushing objectives or winning team fights would be extremely difficult, if not impossible.
Poppy is a classic disruption and provides strong counter engagement against enemy initiation. Her skills are most effective on the most vulnerable members of the team and can create a good chance for almost every kind of tussle.
A Tahm Kench pick is good for any teams whose plan involves protecting other teammates. His skill Devour enables him to eat up his teammates in the heat of the battle when it really matters most, which is an advantage against teams that like starting fights in the early game which is why he is so effective.
Taric is another one of the great supports, as his healing, armor buff and stun are all a great asset in combat. His ultimate, Cosmic Radiance has the ability to change the course of battle by rendering his allies invulnerable for a short duration, meaning he is again suited for teams needing an emphasis on dealing damage but at the same time, lasting for longer skirmishes. His Dazzle and Bastion skills only aid him in this task as well, giving his allies the ability to trade off damage in a teamfight and swing the odds in their favor.
Typically, support players are the focal points within a team as they allow for the team to win both the more simple, as well as the difficult team fights.
So, if this is your plan and you've made your choice regarding which champion you're going to play with, allow me to remind you that League of Legends is a team game and so I suggest doing more than just chatting with teammates - formulate a strategy and choose heroes that go well together with your teammates.
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