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Magic: the Gathering
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
Pokemon TCG
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
Dreamlit Paths is here! In this article, I'll bring you 15 decks I personally studied and strongly r...
guide decks standard new set
Check out the Pro Tour Outlaws of Thunder Junction Top 8 decklists, with 2 Esper Midrange, 2 Four-Co...
Pro Tour Decklists Noticia
In today's article, we delve into Golgari Rigging, a strategy that has gained notoriety in Pioneer b...
Pioneer Golgari Rigging Deck Guide
In this article, we look at the newest variant of Pauper's Boros decks, with a more aggressive stanc...
Pauper Boros Glitters Deck Guide
Pacto das Guildas
Outlaws of Thunder Junction is finally out! Today, I'll show you five decks with the new cards from ...
Standard OTJ Competitive
Let's combine a popular deck from last year, a card that was restricted from 1994 to 1997, a card th...
Legacy Coveted Jewel Deck Tech
In today's article, we delve deeper into Rakdos Vampires, one of the most powerful archetypes in the...
Pioneer Deck Guide Rakdos Vampires
1 mana, 12/12? When it was released, back in 1996, Phyrexian Dreadnought was the biggest creature Ma...
Legacy deck tech stiflenought
Rodrigo William
Check out below an analysis of Greninja ex Terastal, which will be released in Twilight Masquerade. ...
PokémonTCG Theory Greninja
In today's article, I present a guide to Pauper's most famous deck, popular for its speed and means ...
Pauper Deck Guide Kuldotha Red
Check out, in this article, five Pioneer decklists built around cards from the new Magic expansion, ...
Pioneer Declists Outlaws
In today's article, we present five Timeless decklists with cards from the new Magic expansion, Outl...
Timeless Decklists Outlaws
Check out the Feraligatr deck, one of the best "baby" Pokémon for players who want to invest in a ch...
tcg standard johto feraligatr
Pauper's metagame has changed a lot since Commander Legends. In today's article, I'll discuss a deck...
Pauper DeckTech SideGuide Competitive
In today's article, we delve into the new variant of Goryo's Vengeance decks in Modern, the Esper Re...
Modern Esper Reanimator Deck Guide
Grixis Midrange was one of the best decks in Standard last year, but, since then, its popularity wen...
Standard DeckTech SideGuide Competitive
Check out the complete decklists of the Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander precons: Desert Bloom,...
Decklists Outlaws Commander
Cards Realm
Discover how the fusion of collectible card games (CCGs) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is revolutio...
CCG NFT bitcoin blockchain game