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Paulo from HG Team here, and today we will talk about a topic and format very dear to some, but hate...
draft zendikar rising arena
There are many Elementals on Zendikar, with many legends among them for the protection, reconstructi...
lore zendikar
Zendikar Rising brought new cards to the Modern format. Here we going to see these new cards looking...
modern zendikar rising
Zendikar Rising is the proof that Pauper became increasingly relevant when Wizards designs a new set...
Pauper Competitive Review
This article is a compilation of all the combos seen in Zendikar Rising by our subscribers
combo zendikar rising
Zendikar Rising Commander's decklists have been released! Let's look at what Commanders Obuun, Mul D...
edh commander
Nahiri is back in Zendikar Rising and now it's time to know her story.
lore zendikar planeswalker
The Eldrazi are the most mysterious creatures in the Multiverse and in this article, you will learn ...
eldrazi zendikar lore
Zendikar Rising Art Series is part of the Zendikar Rising set: the art of several cards signed by th...
spoiler zendikarrising