Magic: the Gathering


Quiz: Which Secret Lair Product fits you best?

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The Secret Lair sets brings some of the most beautiful and funny Magic products. Come find out which fits you best!

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übersetzt von Joey

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rezensiert von Tabata Marques

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We've selected some of Secret Lair's products to find out which one fits you best. So, are you ready?

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In your free time, you:

Enjoy watching TV showsCorrect symbol

Enjoy video gamesCorrect symbol

Binge-watch horror flicksCorrect symbol

Like to read curiosities about your hobbiesCorrect symbol

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What makes you buy something exclusively to collect it?

It has to be useful to my game styleCorrect symbol

The historical value of that itemCorrect symbol

It has to have a gorgeous collectionCorrect symbol

If it's fun to meCorrect symbol

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Something pretty and exclusiveCorrect symbol

Something classic and practicalCorrect symbol

Something different and strongCorrect symbol

Something that mixes up different themesCorrect symbol

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About alternative artworks, do you prefer:

The ones that reference the game's loreCorrect symbol

A design style that is quite different from usualCorrect symbol

The ones that don't stray away too much from the set's themeCorrect symbol

Something that has a different and classic styleCorrect symbol

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Choose a food:

CupcakeCorrect symbol

AmbrosiaCorrect symbol

PopcornCorrect symbol

CookiesCorrect symbol

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A collector's item has to:

Be modernCorrect symbol

Be cuteCorrect symbol

Be historicalCorrect symbol

Be classicCorrect symbol

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Choose a saying:

"In this life, you either kill or die... or you die and kill."Correct symbol

"Those who seek my protection shall receive it."Correct symbol

"We can't change what fate reserves for us, but we don't have to face it alone."Correct symbol

"One's blade is only as sharp as one's conviction."Correct symbol

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Lastly, choose a card:

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ACorrect symbol

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CCorrect symbol

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BCorrect symbol

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DCorrect symbol
