About the Deck
Rakdos Sacrifice or Rakdos Anvil is a variation of Jund Sacrifice, this version being possible thanks to the addition of new cards from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, such as Experimental Synthesizer and Oni-Cult Anvil.
The red and black version turns out to be more versatile, as it doesn't need a more damaging manabase like its three-color variant. Something to point out is that, even so, the Jund version still sees a lot of play on Pioneer.
The Rakdos version had been gaining strength in the last Metagame until Lurrus of the Dream-Den was banned, this old version took advantage of the interaction between Lurrus of the Dream-Den and Experimental Synthesizer, which generated a lot of value.
After the ban, new versions emerged, now being able to use Mayhem Devil that brings more powerful plays with faster finishes and more versatility on controlling the board.
Another great addition to the deck is the synergy between Witch's Oven and Cauldron Familiar, making possible some moves that are much more aggressive than their previous versions.
Mulligan and Stances
This deck has a few main strategies, one of them being high speed utilizing early game sacrifice mechanics with Voldaren Epicure on turn 1 + Oni-Cult Anvil on 2, and Mayhem Devil can easily end the game on turn 4.
Another strategy to adopt is a Midrange stance, utilizing Thoughtseize and the synergy of Witch's Oven and Cauldron Familiar to make infinite blockers while gaining life, as well as the Oni-Cult Anvil that serves to create constructs following the same line as before, blocking and dealing damage to our opponents.
The version that we are going to adopt here in the article is faster, as we're not running The Meathook Massacre on the main deck (but it is on the sideboard). Our main strategy is based on speed and only on our sideboard we go for a more control plan, especially against aggressive decks. The main card that keeps our aggressive plan going is Shrapnel Blast.

Therefore, in the post-side, we can assume another stance relating to matchups that we need to be more midrange or control using Fatal Push.
Sideboard vs Main Matchups
Lotus Combo
Against Lotus Field, we must use our aggressive plan, trying to finish the game as quickly as possible, especially in game 1 when we only have four Thoughtseize as a way of interacting with the opponent.
For this plan, we should look for hands with Mayhem Devil and Shrapnel Blast, which allow for turn four wins.
Side in

Side out

Post-side, we're taking the long-term plan out of the deck, removing Witch's Oven and Cauldron Familiar. Remember that the way to victory is a sideboard game line + a pressure on opponent's life total, so avoid a hand that contains only the sideboard cards, without any way to end the game.
Azorius Control
Against Azorius, we must go to the late game, seeking to transform our deck into a midrange. Always try to generate value with Experimental Synthesizer and Deadly Dispute.
The key cards for victory here are your manlands, Den of the Bugbear and Hive of the Eye Tyrant, this will be our plan in Game 1.
Side in

Side out

At post-side, our plan is to pursue the game in the long term, we should remove the cards that tries to win quickly, so Shrapnel Blast leaves.
Here, The Meathook Massacre has a different function than being a removal spell, serving as a way to speed up our clock – since when our creatures die, the opponent will lose one life.
Naya Winota
This is a pretty tough matchup in game one, as we only have four removals in the maindeck, which are Shrapnel Blast.
That's why we must prioritize the game of speed and seek Mayhem Devil as quickly as possible to use his ability, reducing the amount of non-humans of our opponent and preventing Winota, Joiner of Forces from winning the game instantly.
Side in

Side out

Here post-side we must assume a midrange or control stance, not letting the opponent populate the board, and always using our removals on the important targets.
Make the most of The Meathook Massacre, making it at least a 2-for-1 takedown.
Another important strategy is to use Fatal Push and Shrapnel Blast that remain in the deck as instant removals for Winota, Joiner of Forces.
Mono-Red Burn
Being a very present in the Metagame, we must be prepared for this match. It's a very even game, decided in the details.
Our stance should be one of block and response, cards like Cauldron Familiar and Oni-Cult Anvil can make us gain the life necessary for victory in Game 1. Shrapnel Blast has a greater range than any opponent's Burn, so that in a race for victory, we are always ahead.
Side in

Side out

Our strategy remains, we must contain our opponent's threats at the same time we apply pressure.
Fatal Push has the function of killing Eidolon of the Great Revel, a fundamental card in this game. The Meathook Massacre serves to remove the opponent's creatures, while giving us some life, greatly delaying the clock on the other side.
Rakdos Sacrifice
In this matchup, we must prioritize our Mayhem Devil as soon as possible, since he generates value for us with the opponent's sacrifices. This is a high attrition match, where whoever manages to take advantage and generate more value has the best chance of winning.
Side in

Side out

Post-side, we must get the most value from our sideboard. The Meathook Massacre has the main function of nullifying the copy that our opponent can use. Lantern of the Lost serves to stop the opponent's Witch's Oven and Cauldron Familiar plan and By Force to break key cards like Witch's Oven and Oni-Cult Anvil.
As our opponent must pursue the same strategy, we must always be careful and not drop all our copies of the repeated cards, so as not to improve the value of their sideboard.
That's all for today!
If you have any questions about the deck, I'm available in the comments.
Until the next time!
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