Magic: the Gathering


Secret Lair Superdrop 2022: 6 novos Drops

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Foi divulgado o Superdrop de junho de 2022! São 6 drops com diversas cartas com novas artes em versão normal e foil

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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Artist Series: Volkan Baga

Non-foil version
Non-foil version

Foil version
Foil version

Artist Series: Chris Rahn

Non-foil version
Non-foil version

Foil version
Foil version

Artist Series: Livia Prima

Non-foil version
Non-foil version


Foil version
Foil version

The Tokyo Lands

Non-foil version
Non-foil version

Foil version
Foil version

Rule the Room

Non-foil version
Non-foil version

Foil version
Foil version

Special Guest: Kelogsloops

Non-foil version
Non-foil version

Foil version
Foil version


The Bundle Bundle

The bundle of bundles can be found for $328.99
The bundle of bundles can be found for $328.99

Full-of-Foils Bundle

The Full-of-Foils Bundle can be found for $198.99
The Full-of-Foils Bundle can be found for $198.99

Non-stop, Non-Foil Bundle

The Non-stop, Non-Foil Bundle can be found for $148.99
The Non-stop, Non-Foil Bundle can be found for $148.99

Você pode comprar os Secret Lairs nesta página aquilink outside website. Serão lançados dia 23 de setembro de 2022.